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Events: List view

Reference number Title Event date Sector Scope Actions
DE02_0292_TSS_2022 Sustainable project development and mobilities in AE LTA 24.05.2023 - 26.05.2023 AE Transnational
DE03_0256_TSS_2021 "Green Erasmus, green mobility, green schools" - Erasmus+ online 10.03.2021 - 11.03.2021 SE Transnational
DE03_0198_TSS_2020 "Towards high quality in KA1 mobility projects for school educat POSTPONED 14.06.2020 - 16.06.2020 SE Transnational
CY01_0282_TSS_2020 CS "Climate Change-Developing Sustainability" 03.11.2021 - 05.11.2021 SE Transnational
SE01_0587_THO_2024 Greening your Erasmus Plan LTA 03.06.2024 - 06.06.2024 SEVETAE Transnational
FR01_0422_THO_2023 "Quality education and wellbeing at school" 13.06.2023 - 16.06.2023 SE Transnational
AT01_0561_TSS_2022 Erasmus+ Berufsbildung: Praktika und mehr 26.11.2023 - 28.11.2023 VET Transnational
IS01_0642_TSS_2024 18th International Tool Fair 04.11.2024 - 08.11.2024 SEVETHEAEYH Transnational
EL01_0516_TSS_2023 Αccreditation in the field of Adult Education LTA 13.09.2023 - 15.09.2023 AE Transnational
ES01_0589_TSS_2024 “Civic participation and EU values. Make Europe shine!” LTA 03.04.2024 - 05.04.2024 SEVETHEAE Transnational
DE03_0323_THO_2021 “Erasmus + green mobility + green schools” LTA 04.05.2022 - 06.05.2022 SE Transnational
PL01_0295_TSS_2021 Research in the time of a pandemic 27.10.2021 - 27.10.2021 SEVETHEAEYH Transnational
PL01_0387_TSS_2022 How to research and explore Erasmus+ priorities? 21.09.2022 - 23.09.2022 SEVETHEAEYH Transnational
DE03_0258_THO_2020 “Pupil mobility in Europe – making inclusion a reality” 11.05.2021 - 12.05.2021 SE Transnational
DE03_0457_THO_2023 “Schools go green and digital – and Erasmus+ supports teaching e 03.05.2023 - 05.05.2023 SEVET Transnational
DE03_0449_THO_2022 “The future of Europe – Europe is your future!" 27.02.2023 - 28.02.2023 SE Transnational
DE03_0080_TSS_2019 ”Creative arts as a path to inclusion” 10.10.2019 - 13.10.2019 SE Transnational
DE03_0538_THO_2024 „Best of Erasmus: Lernen für die Zukunft“ 30.09.2024 - 01.10.2024 SE Transnational
DE03_0510_THO_2023 „Best of Erasmus“ 28.09.2023 - 29.09.2023 SE Transnational
DE03_0255_TSS_2021 „Boosting Digital Learning and Blended Mobility“ - Erasmus+ 24.02.2021 - 25.02.2021 SE Transnational
NO01_0421_TSS_2021 Contact seminar - Inclusion in Formal Adult Education 29.11.2022 - 02.12.2022 AE Transnational
DE01_0313_THO_2022 A New Vision for European Cooperation 10.09.2023 - 12.09.2023 HE Transnational
PT01_0548_THO_2023 Academic Recogntion POSTPONED 30.10.2023 - 31.10.2023 SEVETHE Transnational
IE01_0220_THO_2020 ACCESS ALL AREAS 07.12.2021 - 08.12.2021 SE Transnational
EL01_0639_TSS_2024 Accreditation / Consortia in the field of SCH, VET & ADU 10.06.2024 - 13.06.2024 SEVETAE Transnational
NO01_0266_TSS_2021 Accreditation in Erasmus+ LTA 06.09.2021 - 13.09.2021 SEVETAE Transnational
MT01_0298_THO_2022 Accreditation for Erasmus+ LTA 05.09.2022 - 07.09.2022 SEVETAE Transnational
IE01_0484_THO_2023 ACCREDITATION IN ERASMUS+ (SE, VET & AE) LTA 22.05.2023 - 25.05.2023 SEVETAE Transnational
SE01_0257_TSS_2021 Accredited Organisations - Long Term TCA Contact Seminar - Crea LTA 13.04.2021 - 14.04.2021 SEVETAE Transnational
BG01_0215_TSS_2020 Active learning environment through Erasmus+ and eTwinning 15.10.2020 - 18.10.2020 SE Transnational
IS01_0239_TSS_2020 Adult and Vocational Education in the New Erasmus Programme: Mob POSTPONED 21.09.2020 - 23.09.2020 VETAE Transnational
FR01_0596_THO_2024 Ambassadeurs Erasmus+ LTA 02.01.2024 - 31.12.2024 SEVETHEAE National
DK01_0018_EBAR_2018 Analysis of student recognition levels 01.05.2019 - 01.05.2019 HE Transnational
IE01_0095_TSS_2019 Anything International!?- Building the Foundation for Internatio 08.12.2020 - 09.12.2020 SE Transnational
EE01_0541_TSS_2022 Assessor training for KA2 experts 18.10.2023 - 20.10.2023 SEVETHEAE Transnational
RO01_0193_TSS_2019 Attractive VET for preventing school dropouts 02.12.2019 - 06.12.2019 VET Transnational
IE01_0546_TSS_2023 Beyond Borders: E-Twinning contact making seminar 24.01.2024 - 26.01.2024 SE Transnational
ES01_0142_TSS_2019 Beyond mobility: internationalisation strategies for VET institu 11.06.2019 - 13.06.2019 VET Transnational
IS01_0352_TSS_2022 BIP in Practice 10.10.2022 - 12.10.2022 HE Transnational
SK01_0373_THO_2022 Blended mobilities as a means of improving study programmes LTA 24.05.2023 - 26.05.2023 SEVET Transnational
BE01_0296_THO_2022 Blended mobility for HE: challenges and opportunities 07.06.2023 - 09.06.2023 HE Transnational
CY01_0681_TSS_2024 Bridging the gap between Education Sector and the Industry 03.12.2024 - 05.12.2024 VETHE Transnational
SK01_0144_TSS_2019 Building Partnerships for a Learner-Centred Approach 02.10.2019 - 04.10.2019 SEHE Transnational
PL01_0237_TSS_2020 Building project planning and management competences among worke POSTPONED 27.05.2020 - 31.05.2020 SE Transnational
PL01_0260_TSS_2020 Building project planning and management competences among worke 20.04.2021 - 30.04.2021 SE Transnational
CZ01_0488_TSS_2023 Building Successful International Partnerships 16.10.2023 - 18.10.2023 HE Transnational
MT01_0654_TSS_2024 Capacity building for Adult Education Institutions involving lea 19.02.2025 - 20.02.2025 AE Transnational
SK01_0338_THO_2022 Career guidance shaping communities and societies 25.05.2022 - 27.05.2022 SEVET Transnational
PL01_0108_THO_2019 Career Paths II 04.11.2020 - 06.11.2020 VETHE Transnational
CZ01_0115_TSS_2019 Centers of lifelong education established within universities as 18.09.2019 - 20.09.2019 HEAE Transnational
PL01_0399_TSS_2022 Centralised actions addressed to higher education 10.10.2022 - 12.10.2022 HE Transnational
IE01_0664_TSS_2024 Civic EmpowerED 11.11.2024 - 14.11.2024 AE Transnational
SE01_0537_THO_2023 Clear Assessment KA210 LTA 26.09.2023 - 27.09.2023 SEVETAE Transnational
IT02_0591_THO_2024 Clear 10.06.2024 - 12.06.2024 SEVETHEAE Transnational
NO01_0314_TSS_2022 Sustainability, Climate, environment (kids 1-9) 31.05.2022 - 03.06.2022 SE Transnational
CZ01_0284_TSS_2021 Come and see 07.11.2021 - 10.11.2021 VET Transnational
BE01_0014_THO_2018 Communicate & Disseminate. The use of new tools in Erasmus+ proj 06.05.2019 - 07.05.2019 Transnational
RO01_0289_TSS_2020 Communication Academy 26.10.2021 - 28.10.2021 SEVETHEAEYH Transnational
HR01_0025_THO_2018 Connecting Higher Education Institution and Business Community: 23.10.2018 - 25.10.2018 HE Transnational
ES01_0643_THO_2023 CONNECTING PATHWAYS: ERASMUS+ MOBILITIES IN VET 12.11.2024 - 15.11.2024 VET Transnational
IE01_0420_TSS_2022 Connecting with Schools Across Europe 09.11.2022 - 11.11.2022 SE Transnational
RO01_0106_THO_2019 Connector 5 24.06.2019 - 29.06.2019 SEVETHEAEYH Transnational
RO01_0160_THO_2019 Connector 5 18.06.2019 - 23.06.2019 SEVETHEAEYH Transnational
RO01_0275_TSS_2020 Connecting the world by non-formal digital learning  POSTPONED 13.07.2021 - 16.07.2021 SEVETHEAEYH Transnational
RO01_0367_TSS_2022 Connector 7.0 - Connecting the world by non-formal learning 05.07.2022 - 08.07.2022 SEVETHEAE Transnational
RO01_0490_TSS_2023 Connector 8.0 03.07.2023 - 08.07.2023 SEVETHEAE Transnational
RO01_0630_TSS_2024 Connector 9.0 - Connecting the world by non-formal learning 01.07.2024 - 06.07.2024 SEVETHEAEYH Transnational
NO01_0447_TSS_2023 Consortium: Challenges and opportunities LTA 28.03.2023 - 31.03.2023 SEVETAE Transnational
IE01_0473_TSS_2022 Creative nature-led learning to promote well being 19.04.2023 - 12.05.2023 SE Transnational
DE02_0089_TSS_2019 Contact making seminar on the subject of digital competencies fo 01.12.2019 - 04.12.2019 Transnational
BE02_0168_TSS_2019 CONTACT MAKING SEMINAR: PARTNERSHIPS FOR (PRE-) PRIMARY SCHOOLS 20.11.2019 - 23.11.2019 SE Transnational
BE02_0167_TSS_2019 Contact seminar 27.11.2019 - 30.11.2019 AE Transnational
EE01_0007_TSS_2018 Contact Seminar "Enhancing Digital Competences in Education and 19.09.2018 - 22.09.2018 Transnational
EE01_0104_TSS_2019 Contact Seminar "Enhancing Digital Competences in Education and 04.09.2019 - 07.09.2019 Transnational
EE01_0357_TSS_2021 Enhancing Digital Competences in Education and Training LTA 13.09.2022 - 16.09.2022 SEVETHEAE Transnational
EE01_0635_TSS_2023 Enhancing Digital Competences in Education and Training 24.09.2024 - 27.09.2024 SE Transnational
EE01_0502_TSS_2022 Enhancing Digital Competences in Education and Training LTA 19.09.2023 - 22.09.2023 SEVETHEAE Transnational
NO01_0068_TSS_2019 Contact seminar - Give VET mobility a fresh boost 12.06.2019 - 14.06.2019 Transnational
DK01_0307_TSS_2022 Contact Seminar - learn about Small Scale Partnerships 07.11.2022 - 08.11.2022 SEVETAEYH Transnational
NL01_0075_TSS_2019 Contact seminar Adult Education: Guidance to the labour market 06.10.2019 - 08.10.2019 AE Transnational
NO01_0444_TSS_2023 Contact seminar for newcomers (KA122-SCH and KA210-SCH) 06.06.2023 - 09.06.2023 SE Transnational
LT01_0478_TSS_2023 The Project Compass: Navigating Ideas towards Projects 13.06.2023 - 15.06.2023 SEVETAE Transnational
MT01_0028_TSS_2019 Contact Seminar on Developing e-Twinning KA2 projectsfor languag 15.10.2018 - 18.10.2018 Transnational
LU01_0101_TSS_2019 Contact seminar on developing strategic internationalisation and 27.11.2019 - 29.11.2019 VET Transnational
FI01_0070_TSS_2019 Contact seminar on Early Childhood Education and Care: Exploring 29.09.2019 - 02.10.2019 Transnational
BE02_0241_TSS_2020 Contact seminar on Language Teaching and Learning in Adult Educa POSTPONED 28.09.2020 - 01.10.2020 AE Transnational
BE02_0238_TSS_2020 CONTACT SEMINAR ON QUALITY DUAL LEARNING IN IVET POSTPONED 18.05.2020 - 21.05.2020 VET Transnational
BE02_0514_TSS_2023 CS - Group mobility of pupils for accredited schools LTA 25.10.2023 - 27.10.2023 SE Transnational
BE02_0564_TSS_2024 Sustainability in food production (group mobility - VET) 31.01.2024 - 02.02.2024 VET Transnational
NO01_0222_TSS_2019 Contact seminar – “Use of ICT in pre-primary and primary edu 14.01.2020 - 17.01.2020 SE Transnational
EE01_0467_TSS_2022 Expanding horizons in language learning 25.04.2023 - 28.04.2023 SEVET Transnational
DK01_0572_TSS_2024 Mobility for learners with fewer opportunities in VET 27.05.2024 - 30.05.2024 VET Transnational
BG01_0134_THO_2019 Creating an Inclusive classroom 18.05.2019 - 23.05.2019 SE Transnational
SE01_0333_TSS_2022 CCCA LTA 11.02.2022 - 11.02.2022 SEVETAE Transnational
SE01_0462_TSS_2023 Creating contacts for accredited organisations 3.0 LTA 25.04.2023 - 28.04.2023 SEVETAE Transnational
LU01_0340_THO_2022 Creative use of learning applications in school education LTA 19.10.2022 - 21.10.2022 SE Transnational
ES01_0021_TSS_2018 Cultural Heritage (Contact Seminar) 14.11.2018 - 17.11.2018 AE Transnational
CZ01_0078_THO_2019 Czecho-Slovak VET Mobility Charter holders meeting 01.10.2019 - 30.11.2019 VET Transnational
DE01_0426_TSS_2023 Data Protection in Erasmus+ Projects 31.01.2024 - 02.02.2024 HE Transnational
FI01_0503_THO_2023 Democracy speaks in many languages 12.11.2023 - 15.11.2023 SE Transnational
DE03_0019_TSS_2018 Democratic citizenship - Teaching values - Follow-up of the Pari 18.10.2018 - 21.10.2018 SE Transnational
AT01_0619_TSS_2023 Kontaktseminar zur Gruppenmobilität in Erasmus+ Berufsbildung 28.04.2024 - 30.04.2024 VET Transnational
IE01_0494_THO_2023 Design Thinking for Cooperation Partnerships 25.09.2023 - 27.09.2023 SEVETAEYH Transnational
IE01_0636_TSS_2024 Design Thinking 16.09.2024 - 18.09.2024 SEVETAE Transnational
AT01_0437_TSS_2022 VET: Transnationales Kontaktseminar (deutschsprachig) 23.11.2022 - 25.11.2022 VET Transnational
MT01_0117_THO_2019 Developing Internationalisation strategies of Higher Education - 04.06.2019 - 05.06.2019 Transnational
CY01_0308_TSS_2021 Developing KA220 projects 25.05.2022 - 27.05.2022 SEVETHEAE Transnational
LV01_0396_TSS_2021 Cooperation to support refugees and local communities 13.09.2022 - 16.09.2022 SEVET Transnational
NL01_0531_THO_2024 Digital EDvolution LTA 06.03.2024 - 08.03.2024 SE Transnational
RS01_0277_THO_2021 Introducing the European Student Card Initiative 09.07.2021 - 09.07.2021 HE Transnational
MT01_0456_THO_2022 Digital inclusion in school education LTA 25.10.2023 - 27.10.2023 SE Transnational
HU01_0375_THO_2022 Digital inclusion in school education LTA POSTPONED 21.11.2022 - 23.11.2022 SE Transnational
DE01_0356_THO_2021 Digital literacy in Erasmus+ 12.05.2022 - 13.05.2022 HE Transnational
IT01_0672_TSS_2024 Digital transformation in VET LTA 25.11.2024 - 27.11.2024 VET Transnational
PL01_0330_THO_2021 Digital University 08.12.2021 - 08.12.2021 HE Transnational
HU01_0279_THO_2021 DIGITAL WELLBEING FOR EDUCATORS LTA 30.03.2022 - 01.04.2022 SE Transnational
IS01_0311_TSS_2020 DIG-I-PACT 22.11.2021 - 24.11.2021 VETAE Transnational
BE02_0091_THO_2019 DUTCH-FLEMISH SEMINAR 01.01.2018 - 01.06.2019 SE Transnational
IE01_0492_THO_2023 Contact-making seminar for Early Childhood Service Providers 23.06.2023 - 25.06.2023 SE Transnational
SE01_0124_TSS_2019 Early Childhood Education and Care 09.12.2019 - 10.12.2019 SE Transnational
FI01_0052_TSS_2018 ECEC Playing and Participating Child 07.10.2018 - 10.10.2018 SE Transnational
LI01_0586_TSS_2023 EcoSu-PM 10.06.2024 - 13.06.2024 SEVETHEAE Transnational
IT01_0180_THO_2019 ECVET for the long-term mobility of apprentices 18.10.2019 - 18.10.2019 VET Transnational
FI01_0281_THO_2021 Education for greener future LTA 16.05.2022 - 18.05.2022 SE Transnational
RS01_0066_TSS_2019 Effective Practices in STEM education 31.10.2019 - 01.11.2019 SE Transnational
FR01_0597_AELE_2024 EITA LEL 02.01.2024 - 31.12.2024 SE National
HR01_0413_THO_2022 Inclusion and diversity in Erasmus+ projects LTA 15.11.2022 - 18.11.2022 SEVETHEAE Transnational
HR01_0551_THO_2023 Inclusion and diversity in Erasmus+ projects LTA 14.11.2023 - 16.11.2023 SEVETHEAE Transnational
MT01_0651_THO_2024 Outreach to people with fewer opportunities LTA 11.11.2024 - 13.11.2024 SEVETHEAE Transnational
CZ01_0382_TSS_2022 Embracing Diversity: Inclusion in International Projects 16.05.2023 - 19.05.2023 SEVET Transnational
UK02_0228_THO_2019 Embracing Inclusion Conference 22.04.2020 - 24.04.2020 VETAEYH Transnational
PL01_0652_TSS_2024 ENGAGE: Improving key competences of seniors 22.10.2024 - 25.10.2024 AE Transnational
DK01_0648_TSS_2024 Engaging in job shadowing mobility 16.09.2024 - 19.09.2024 SE Transnational
HU01_0123_THO_2019 Enhancing capability of teachers and schools in planning and imp 20.11.2019 - 22.11.2019 SE Transnational
IS01_0132_THO_2019 Enhancing student mobility in teacher education 03.12.2019 - 05.12.2019 SEHE Transnational
IE01_0047_TSS_2018 Enhancing VET provision through European staff mobility 26.11.2018 - 28.11.2018 VET Transnational
IE01_0419_TSS_2022 EPALE as an Erasmus+ space for connection POSTPONED 30.11.2022 - 02.12.2022 AE Transnational
EL01_0590_TSS_2023 Mobility & Cooperation between MedNet & African countries 04.03.2024 - 07.03.2024 HE Transnational
FR01_0602_THO_2024 Erasmus+ : Building a sustainable future together LTA 03.12.2024 - 04.12.2024 SEVETHEAEYH Transnational
SE01_0259_THO_2020 Erasmus+ alumni students as ambassadors 20.05.2021 - 21.05.2021 HE Transnational
FR01_0397_THO_2022 French - Italian - German and Spanish Conference 22.11.2022 - 23.11.2022 SEVETHEAE Transnational
LV01_0071_THO_2019 Erasmus+ boosting employability and promoting cooperation with t 09.09.2019 - 10.09.2019 Transnational
IT02_0417_THO_2022 Erasmus+ contribution to European civic participation LTA 18.12.2022 - 21.12.2022 SEVETHEAE Transnational
LV01_0010_TSS_2018 Erasmus+ Higher Education International Dimension Baltic Info Da 30.10.2018 - 31.10.2018 HE Transnational
EE01_0285_THO_2020 International Dimension: BALTIC INFO DAYS 2021 20.10.2021 - 21.10.2021 HE Transnational
DE03_0335_TSS_2022 Media Literacy and Disinformation LTA 16.02.2022 - 17.02.2022 SE Transnational
DE01_0231_THO_2019 Erasmus+ Projects: Teaching and Learning in a Digital Age POSTPONED 24.11.2020 - 25.11.2020 HE Transnational
LV01_0471_THO_2023 Erasmus+ promoting physical activity and cooperation in E&T 06.05.2023 - 09.05.2023 SEVETHEAE Transnational
DE01_0016_THO_2018 Erasmus+ students as intercultural ambassadors - Strengthening E 01.04.2019 - 02.04.2019 SEHEYH Transnational
LT01_0024_EBAR_2018 Erasmus+: Comenius longitudinal analysis “Impact and Sustainab 26.06.2018 - 26.06.2018 SE Transnational
FR01_0493_THO_2023 Erasmus+: supporting active citizenship in Europe ! LTA 28.11.2023 - 29.11.2023 SEVETHEAEYH Transnational
IT02_0150_THO_2019 Erasmus4ever Erasmus4future, Alumni European Network 07.05.2019 - 09.05.2019 SEVETHEAE Transnational
CY01_0355_TSS_2022 KA2: How to use the lump sum funding model 02.11.2022 - 04.11.2022 SEVETHEAE Transnational
MT01_0116_THO_2019 eTwinning for smart digital learning 12.11.2019 - 13.11.2019 SE Transnational
MT01_0119_TSS_2019 EuroApprentices Network Meeting 08.05.2019 - 10.05.2019 Transnational
AT01_0043_THO_2018 EuroApprentices Network Meeting "Go. Learn. Share" 28.05.2018 - 30.05.2018 VET Transnational
DE03_0553_TSS_2024 „Europakompetenz“ 15.10.2024 - 18.10.2024 SE Transnational
DE02_0090_TSS_2019 Europe on the move – key competences to create mobility projec 27.05.2019 - 29.05.2019 Transnational
AT01_0649_THO_2023 Europe Talks Solidarity Conf2024 10.09.2024 - 12.09.2024 SEVETHEAEYH Transnational
DE03_0539_THO_2024 European Conference “Empowering students in the digital age” 06.05.2024 - 08.05.2024 SEVET Transnational
AT01_0595_TSS_2023 European political education in schools 27.11.2024 - 29.11.2024 SE Transnational
SE01_0638_TSS_2024 Europeiska Språkdagen 2024 26.09.2024 - 26.09.2024 SEVET National
NL01_0631_AELE_2024 Europese toekomst: jongeren nu aan zet! 22.05.2024 - 22.05.2024 VETHE National
PL01_0038_THO_2018 Evidence based policy in Erasmus+ II 28.11.2018 - 30.11.2018 SEHE Transnational
PL01_0173_EBAR_2019 Evidence-based approach in Erasmus+. Methodological aspects. 09.10.2019 - 10.10.2019 SEVETHEAEYH Transnational
DK01_0530_THO_2023 Exchanging assessment experience of experts on accreditation fin LTA 31.10.2023 - 01.11.2023 SEVETAE Transnational
DK01_0359_THO_2022 Exchange of assessment experiences on accreditation proposals LTA 13.06.2022 - 15.06.2022 SEVETAE Transnational
PT01_0667_THO_2024 Networks Across Sectors and Establishing A European Community LTA 31.10.2024 - 02.11.2024 SEVETHEAE Transnational
EE01_0575_THO_2022 Exploring the digital horizontal priority 03.12.2023 - 04.12.2023 SEVETHEAE Transnational
RO01_0390_TSS_2022 First Step First LTA 29.08.2022 - 02.09.2022 SEVETAE Transnational
BE02_0092_THO_2019 FLEMISH DUTCH SEMINAR 01.05.2019 - 03.05.2019 SE Transnational
FI01_0069_THO_2019 Flexible Basic Education - methods and procedures to reduce drop 23.09.2019 - 25.09.2019 Transnational
DE03_0020_THO_2018 Förderung von demokratischer Bildung und Toleranz durch interna 13.05.2018 - 15.05.2018 SE Transnational
DE02_0004_TSS_2018 Fostering critical thinking and media literacy – Strengthening 10.12.2018 - 12.12.2018 AE Transnational
SI01_0487_THO_2023 Fostering digital pedagogies through international cooperation 07.06.2023 - 09.06.2023 HE Transnational
IT02_0145_THO_2019 Fostering Erasmus+ cooperation projects impact and cross fertil 25.06.2019 - 27.06.2019 HE Transnational
MT01_0120_THO_2019 Fostering social inclusion of migrants and ethnic communities th 22.10.2019 - 24.10.2019 AE Transnational
BE01_0632_TSS_2023 Erasmus+ for schools working with special needs pupils 27.11.2024 - 29.11.2024 SEVET Transnational
IE01_0094_TSS_2019 From Virtual to Reality: Moving from Etwinning to Erasmus+ in Sc 28.11.2019 - 30.11.2019 Transnational
RO01_0105_THO_2019 FuturE+ 13.03.2019 - 16.03.2019 SEVETHEAEYH Transnational
RO01_0152_THO_2019 FuturE+ 12.03.2019 - 15.03.2019 SEVETHEAEYH Transnational
RO01_0337_TSS_2021 G- PAC: Green partnerships for cooperation 15.02.2022 - 18.02.2022 SEVETHEAEYH Transnational
PL01_0501_TSS_2023 Advancing Higher EDucation through E+ Cooperation Partnerships 23.10.2023 - 26.10.2023 HE Transnational
DE02_0003_TSS_2018 Give VET mobility a fresh boost – exchanging ideas, creating p 13.06.2018 - 15.06.2018 VET Transnational
RS01_0637_THO_2024 Go International 27.06.2024 - 28.06.2024 SEVETAE Transnational
ES01_0627_TSS_2023 Good practices in the implementation of Adult Learner Mobility 11.11.2024 - 13.11.2024 AE Transnational
DE02_0291_TSS_2022 Pathways to sustainable projects and institutions LTA 14.06.2023 - 16.06.2023 VET Transnational
LV01_0581_THO_2023 Green Practices for Increasing Environmental Sustainability 20.03.2024 - 22.03.2024 SEVETHEAE Transnational
EE01_0655_TSS_2023 Green priority in E+ 03.12.2024 - 05.12.2024 SEVETHEAE Transnational
SK01_0517_THO_2023 Green practices in Erasmus+ projects LTA 10.04.2024 - 12.04.2024 SEVET Transnational
CZ01_0278_TSS_2020 Growing with ICM 23.11.2021 - 24.11.2021 HE Transnational
IE01_0087_TSS_2019 Guidance and Supportive approaches with adults in AE and VET 06.11.2019 - 08.11.2019 Transnational
DK01_0006_THO_2018 Guidance for Initial Vocational Education and Training (IVET) 18.06.2018 - 20.06.2018 VET Transnational
PL01_0035_THO_2018 Health and safety of Erasmus mobile students 11.07.2018 - 13.07.2018 HE Transnational
PL01_0647_THO_2023 Health E+Motions 15.10.2024 - 18.10.2024 SEVETHEAEYH Transnational
DE01_0017_THO_2018 Higher Education Institutions of Art, Design and Music as future 18.02.2019 - 20.02.2019 HE Transnational
IE01_0523_TSS_2023 The development of transversal skills in VET & ADU 16.10.2023 - 19.10.2023 VETAE Transnational
DE02_0377_TSS_2023 Learners in KA 1 projects in adult education (Optim AL-3) 27.05.2024 - 29.05.2024 AE Transnational
FR01_0535_TSS_2024 Health in higher education and vocational education and training 21.10.2024 - 24.10.2024 VETHE Transnational
PL01_0261_TSS_2020 How to plan an excellent project in the field of inclusive educa 18.05.2021 - 28.05.2021 SE Transnational
PT01_0073_TSS_2019 Impact of Erasmus+ on internationalisation of HEI and VET instit 23.05.2019 - 24.05.2019 VETHE Transnational
CY01_0482_TSS_2023 Impact of Erasmus+ Traineeships on Higher Education 31.10.2023 - 02.11.2023 HE Transnational
UK02_0049_EBAR_2018 Impact+ Exercise for Adult Education beneficiaries 19.09.2018 - 20.09.2018 AE Transnational
DE02_0218_THO_2021 Impact+ Exercise for Projects in VET and AE 08.11.2021 - 10.11.2021 VETAE Transnational
UK02_0050_EBAR_2018 Impact+ Exercise for Vocational Education and Training  benef 08.10.2018 - 09.10.2018 VET Transnational
HU01_0149_EBAR_2018 Impact+ Exercise Seminar 27.02.2019 - 28.02.2019 VETAE Transnational
UK02_0099_THO_2019 Impact+ tool for AE practitioners 01.01.2018 - 01.06.2019 Transnational
UK02_0098_THO_2019 Impact+ tool for VET practitioners 01.01.2018 - 01.06.2019 Transnational
RO01_0628_THO_2024 Impact, quality and reporting in the new KA220-HED projects 19.06.2024 - 21.06.2024 HE Transnational
MK01_0477_THO_2023 GREEN BALKANS 06.04.2023 - 08.04.2023 SEVET Transnational
LU01_0027_TSS_2018 Improving access, participation and quality in adult education f 21.11.2018 - 23.11.2018 VETAE Transnational
DK01_0688_THO_2024 IMPROVING PUPIL MOBILITY IN THE SCHOOL SECTOR 03.02.2025 - 06.02.2025 SE Transnational
LV01_0310_THO_2022 I&D: capacity building for successful implementation 27.09.2023 - 29.09.2023 SEVETHEAE Transnational
RS01_0519_TSS_2023 Inclusion across Europe LTA 16.11.2023 - 17.11.2023 SEVETAE Transnational
PT01_0242_THO_2020 Inclusion and Corporate Social Responsibility (Previous dates 24 21.06.2021 - 22.06.2021 HEAE Transnational
IE01_0081_THO_2019 Inclusion and Diversity Strategy and how to get one 22.01.2020 - 24.01.2020 Transnational
ES01_0009_TSS_2018 Inclusion and Employability. How comprehensive internationalizat 18.02.2019 - 20.02.2019 VET Transnational
SI01_0618_THO_2024 Development of Erasmus+ projects led by inclusive values. 23.10.2024 - 25.10.2024 SE Transnational
RS01_0385_THO_2022 Inclusion in Higher Education – Adaptation of HEIs’ work process 08.07.2022 - 08.07.2022 HE Transnational
LU01_0616_TSS_2024 Mobility and partnerships for and with people with disabilities 18.11.2024 - 21.11.2024 AE Transnational
TR01_0461_TSS_2022 Inclusion of refugees into HE system CANCELLED 10.10.2023 - 11.10.2023 HE Transnational
RO01_0040_TSS_2018 Inclusion Plus 05.09.2018 - 08.09.2018 SEVETAE Transnational
SK01_0518_THO_2023 Inclusion tool for better inclusion and diversity approach 13.11.2024 - 15.11.2024 SEVETAE Transnational
SK01_0011_TSS_2018 Inclusive education-road to social inclusion 12.09.2018 - 14.09.2018 SE Transnational
SE01_0286_THO_2021 Inclusive Mobility 07.04.2022 - 08.04.2022 HE Transnational
RO01_0576_TSS_2023 InclusivE+ mobilities LTA 09.01.2024 - 12.01.2024 SEVETAE Transnational
RS01_0430_THO_2023 Initial teacher education 30.10.2023 - 31.10.2023 SEVETHEAE Transnational
PL01_0037_THO_2018 Innovate your teaching through methods like gamification, e-lear 26.09.2018 - 28.09.2018 HE Transnational
SK01_0199_THO_2020 Innovation with CLIL - Experiencing CLIL with Erasmus+ 04.11.2021 - 05.11.2021 SEVET Transnational
IT02_0026_THO_2018 International Conference on European Year of Cultural Heritage 26.09.2018 - 28.09.2018 SEHEAE Transnational
AT01_0526_TSS_2022 The Power of Skills - Equipping Women in STEM through (dual) VET 22.10.2023 - 25.10.2023 VET Transnational
AT01_0400_THO_2021 Conference: Apprenticeship Training - A Journey around the World LTA 19.09.2022 - 20.09.2022 VET Transnational
FR01_0629_THO_2024 International Francophone seminar Well-being at school & digital 07.10.2024 - 09.10.2024 SEVET Transnational
IE01_0088_TSS_2019 International Project Management Skills for Newcomers to KA1 VET 21.10.2019 - 23.10.2019 VET Transnational
IT02_0321_TSS_2021 Internationalisation on HE 12.06.2022 - 15.06.2022 HE Transnational
IT02_0622_TSS_2023 Inclusion newcomers Sicilia LTA 23.09.2024 - 26.09.2024 SEAE Transnational
IE01_0512_TSS_2023 Mental Health - Minds in Motion 13.11.2023 - 17.11.2023 SEVETAE Transnational
DE02_0074_THO_2018 Internationalisation strategies in VET 10.03.2019 - 13.03.2019 VET Transnational
ES01_0008_THO_2018 Internationalisation Strategies of VET Institutions 30.09.2018 - 03.10.2018 VET Transnational
ES01_0139_THO_2019 Internationalization and innovative VET practices in Spain: the 26.11.2019 - 28.11.2019 VET Transnational
FR01_0528_THO_2023 Journée Enseignement Supérieur 2023 03.07.2023 - 03.07.2023 HE National
FR01_0592_THO_2024 Journées de l'enseignement supérieur 2024 24.06.2024 - 25.06.2024 HE National
PL01_0178_TSS_2019 Key competences for adults in cultural institutions 08.10.2019 - 11.10.2019 AE Transnational
LV01_0624_THO_2024 Key enablers of a transforming digital education ecosystem 25.09.2024 - 27.09.2024 SEVETHEAE Transnational
PT01_0434_THO_2022 Language Policy 05.12.2022 - 06.12.2022 SEVETHEAE Transnational
IE01_0214_TSS_2020 Languages in Context 09.11.2020 - 11.11.2020 SE Transnational
PL01_0331_THO_2020 LEAGUE OF SKILLS 09.12.2021 - 10.12.2021 VET Transnational
IE01_0547_TSS_2023 Lean on Learning 06.02.2024 - 09.02.2024 AE Transnational
PL01_0109_THO_2019 Learning Agreement – the most powerful document among many rel 01.01.2018 - 01.06.2019 HE Transnational
IE01_0083_TSS_2019 Learnovation – Innovate to Learn through Erasmus+ 19.02.2020 - 21.02.2020 Transnational
SE01_0515_TSS_2023 EDLIS 28.09.2023 - 28.09.2023 SEVETHEAE National
NL01_0425_THO_2023 Let's talk about the ECHE 31.05.2023 - 02.06.2023 HE Transnational
IE01_0685_TSS_2024 LinguaLearners:-European Classrooms 27.01.2025 - 29.01.2025 SE Transnational
ES01_0022_TSS_2018 Long-term mobility in schools (Contact Seminar) 24.10.2018 - 27.10.2018 SE Transnational
NO01_0448_THO_2023 LTA Accreditation - Summit LTA 05.12.2023 - 08.12.2023 SEVETAE Transnational
NL01_0463_THO_2023 Training Monitoring LTA 10.05.2023 - 13.05.2023 SEVETHEAE Transnational
CY01_0676_THO_2024 LTA Impact, Monitoring & Evaluation - Training Monitoring LTA 27.11.2024 - 29.11.2024 SEVETHEAE Transnational
NL01_0580_TSS_2023 Maak kennis met Erasmus+ 17.04.2024 - 17.04.2024 AE National
IE01_0044_THO_2018 Make an impact! 29.04.2019 - 02.05.2019 SEVET Transnational
IE01_0294_THO_2021 Meaningful Virtual Engagement 30.11.2021 - 01.12.2021 SEVETHEAE Transnational
CZ01_0336_THO_2021 Media literacy as a key skill for modern life LTA 03.10.2022 - 05.10.2022 SE Transnational
PT01_0339_THO_2022 International Conference on Internationalization 04.05.2022 - 06.05.2022 SEVETHEAE Transnational
ES01_0143_THO_2019 Mobility for All 01.01.2018 - 01.06.2019 SEVETHEAE Transnational
LV01_0226_TSS_2020 Mobility of school pupils in KA1 27.10.2021 - 28.10.2021 SE Transnational
RO01_0158_THO_2019 Models for inclusion. Special education – a project-based peda 03.06.2019 - 07.06.2019 SE Transnational
DE01_0504_TSS_2022 Moving closer to inclusive internationalisation in HE 08.11.2023 - 10.11.2023 HE Transnational
IE01_0048_TSS_2018 Myth busting Project & Quality Management in KA2: A showcasing o 13.02.2019 - 15.02.2019 AE Transnational
MK01_0506_THO_2023 Southeast European Universities Networking 10.07.2023 - 12.07.2023 HE Transnational
IT01_0608_TSS_2024 Networking for Inclusion LTA 24.06.2024 - 26.06.2024 VET Transnational
ES01_0565_TSS_2023 Long-term learning mobility of school pupils LTA 03.06.2024 - 05.06.2024 SE Transnational
FI01_0023_THO_2018 NEW DATE: 28.-30.1.2019 Responding to Future Skills Needs - The 03.12.2018 - 05.12.2018 VET Transnational
NO01_0154_TSS_2019 Newcomers in consortium KA101 with focus on job-shadowing 02.12.2019 - 05.12.2019 SE Transnational
FI01_0262_THO_2021 No Dead Ends – Guidance Supporting all the Way CANCELLED 13.02.2022 - 16.02.2022 SEVETHEAEYH Transnational
PL01_0657_TSS_2024 Contact seminar for small-scale partnerships in KA2 VET 28.10.2024 - 30.10.2024 VET Transnational
EE01_0464_TSS_2022 Green-Greener-Greenest 20.03.2023 - 20.03.2023 AE Transnational
HU01_0216_TSS_2020 Online contact making seminar on how to engage people with low e 10.11.2020 - 12.11.2020 AE Transnational
EE01_0327_TSS_2020 Enhancing Digital Competences in Education & Training 02.12.2021 - 03.12.2021 SEVETHEAE Transnational
EE01_0466_TSS_2022 Special Educational Needs and Inclusion in School Education 21.03.2023 - 21.03.2023 SE Transnational
NL01_0625_THO_2024 Opening Windows of Opportunity 13.11.2024 - 15.11.2024 SE Transnational
AT01_0690_TSS_2024 Opportunities for All: Inclusive Mobility Projects in E+ VET 12.01.2025 - 15.01.2025 VET Transnational
SI01_0505_TSS_2023 Optimising Mobility for Adult Learners (Optim-AL 1) 09.10.2023 - 11.10.2023 AE Transnational
FR01_0489_TSS_2023 Optim-AL 2 06.12.2023 - 08.12.2023 AE Transnational
SE01_0500_THO_2023 PICEIS LTA 01.10.2023 - 04.10.2023 SEVETHEAE Transnational
PL01_0542_TSS_2023 Partnerships for special schools 14.11.2023 - 23.11.2023 SE Transnational
PL01_0605_TSS_2024 Partnerships for Cooperation – Primary Schools from Rural Areas 24.04.2024 - 28.04.2024 SE Transnational
PL01_0470_THO_2023 TCA Partnerships for Cooperation 26.04.2023 - 30.04.2023 SE Transnational
PL01_0407_THO_2022 Projects for primary schools located in rural or remote areas 05.10.2022 - 09.10.2022 SE Transnational
PL01_0361_THO_2022 Partnerships-quality special schools in PL 06.06.2022 - 15.06.2022 SE Transnational
PL01_0680_TSS_2024 Partnerships for special schools 12.11.2024 - 21.11.2024 SE Transnational
EE01_0634_TSS_2023 Assessor training for KA2 experts 11.09.2024 - 13.09.2024 SEVETHEAE Transnational
IT02_0660_THO_2024 Participation, Civic Engagement and the next steps LTA 08.12.2024 - 11.12.2024 SEVETHEAE Transnational
AT01_0157_THO_2019 Peer-learning seminar – Staff Training Mobility in Higher Educ 18.09.2019 - 20.09.2019 HE Transnational
EL01_0235_THO_2019 Permeability between different sectors as key factor for equity POSTPONED 06.05.2020 - 08.05.2020 SEVETHEAE Transnational
FI01_0686_TSS_2024 Power of Non-Formal Education 10.02.2025 - 15.02.2025 AE Transnational
FI01_0404_TSS_2022 Power of Non-Formal Education 29.01.2023 - 03.02.2023 AE Transnational
IE01_0086_THO_2019 Prison Education in Adult Education 12.06.2019 - 16.06.2019 Transnational
FI01_0051_THO_2018 Professional and Leadership Development Training in a Finnish co 30.09.2018 - 04.10.2018 SE Transnational
NL01_0100_THO_2019 Professional development of staff in VET: towards a structured a 06.11.2019 - 08.11.2019 VET Transnational
IE01_0155_TSS_2018 Professional Development Opportunity for teachers: Creative meth 16.05.2019 - 18.05.2019 Transnational
FI01_0129_TSS_2019 Project Incubator - The future of VET 11.11.2019 - 13.11.2019 Transnational
BG01_0213_THO_2020 Promising Practices for Inclusive Classroom Environment 26.05.2020 - 30.05.2020 SE Transnational
BG01_0287_THO_2020 Promising Practices for Inclusive Classroom Environment 10.11.2021 - 14.11.2021 SE Transnational
RO01_0042_THO_2018 Promoting entrepreneurial skills through formal and non-formal a 24.09.2018 - 28.09.2018 SEVETAE Transnational
FI01_0442_THO_2022 Promoting VET Excellence 08.05.2023 - 11.05.2023 VET Transnational
PT01_0243_THO_2020 Quality of mobility in Erasmus - a goal for the new programme 26.05.2021 - 28.05.2021 SEHE Transnational
IE01_0459_TSS_2022 Re-thinking anti-racism practice 19.04.2023 - 21.04.2023 AE Transnational
UK02_0223_THO_2020 Recognition of informal, intergenerational and community learnin 15.02.2021 - 18.02.2021 AEYH Transnational
DE03_0186_TSS_2019 Regional contact seminar “École sans frontières! Schule ohne 23.01.2020 - 24.01.2020 SE Transnational
PL01_0673_THO_2024 Research Seminar: Evidence-based approach in Erasmus+ 05.11.2024 - 06.11.2024 SEVETHEAEYH Transnational
PL01_0513_THO_2023 Research Seminar: “Evidence-based approach in Erasmus+" 20.09.2023 - 22.09.2023 SEVETHEAEYH Transnational
IE01_0208_TSS_2020 Resources for Rural Schools 22.09.2021 - 24.09.2021 SE Transnational
IT02_0322_THO_2021 Role Model 08.05.2022 - 11.05.2022 SEVETHEAE Transnational
IS01_0408_TSS_2021 Rural Inclusion in Erasmus+ 01.11.2022 - 03.11.2022 SE Transnational
PL01_0036_THO_2018 S2S (school to school) partnerships – how to plan an excellent 09.05.2018 - 13.05.2018 SE Transnational
PL01_0085_THO_2019 S2S (school to school) partnerships – how to plan an excellent 22.05.2019 - 26.05.2019 SE Transnational
IE01_0354_THO_2021 ECEC Exchange 14.06.2022 - 16.06.2022 SE Transnational
RO01_0041_THO_2018 Skills 4 Mobility-Ready 4 Mobility 15.10.2018 - 19.10.2018 SEVETAE Transnational
MK01_0234_THO_2019 Skills and jobs mismatch 03.03.2020 - 06.03.2020 VETAE Transnational
MK01_0102_TSS_2019 Skills and jobs mismatch: the role of education and training 01.07.2019 - 31.12.2019 VETAE Transnational
PL01_0521_THO_2023 Skills Challenge Summer Camp 31.07.2023 - 05.08.2023 VET Transnational
IE01_0436_TSS_2022 Contact Making Seminar -Small Scale Partnerships for Schools 25.01.2023 - 27.01.2023 SE Transnational
MT01_0509_TSS_2023 Small Scale Partnerships for stronger sustainable strategies in 21.02.2024 - 22.02.2024 SE Transnational
EL01_0479_TSS_2023 Small Scale Projects on Inclusion and Diversity for Newcomers LTA 20.06.2023 - 23.06.2023 SEVETAE Transnational
FI01_0175_THO_2019 Social justice in lifelong guidance for adults 26.11.2019 - 29.11.2019 Transnational
AT01_0650_THO_2023 Solidarity in practice 15.10.2024 - 17.10.2024 SEVETHEAEYH Transnational
FI01_0458_THO_2022 Sport and Sustainability LTA 29.05.2023 - 31.05.2023 VET Transnational
RO01_0107_THO_2019 SPP Strategic Partnership Plus- Empowering democratic participat 12.11.2019 - 16.11.2019 SEVETHEAEYH Transnational
NO01_0319_TSS_2022 European Universities - Contact seminar 03.05.2023 - 05.05.2023 HE Transnational
CY01_0064_TSS_2018 Stepping into a new generation of Erasmus+ School Exchange and e 07.11.2018 - 09.11.2018 SE Transnational
EE01_0376_THO_2021 Stepping up foreign language learning and teaching 26.09.2022 - 27.09.2022 SE Transnational
SE01_0409_TSS_2021 Strateg+ 19.10.2022 - 21.10.2022 SEVETHEAEYH Transnational
IS01_0613_THO_2024 Strategic approaches to Erasmus+ academic staff mobility 19.06.2024 - 21.06.2024 HE Transnational
RO01_0191_TSS_2019 Strategic Partnerships Plus- Empowering Democratic Participation 12.11.2019 - 16.11.2019 SEVETHEAE Transnational
RS01_0662_THO_2024 Enhancing Inclusion through Guidance LTA - Opening TCA LTA 20.11.2024 - 22.11.2024 SEVETAE Transnational
FI01_0128_THO_2019 Study Visit "Developing Youth Workers' Competences in Finland" 29.09.2019 - 03.10.2019 VETYH Transnational
FR01_0118_TSS_2018 Study visit : Mastering fundamental learning at the end of prima 28.01.2019 - 31.01.2019 SE Transnational
FR01_0121_THO_2018 Study visit : Pre-primary education, the schooling of young peop 13.05.2019 - 17.05.2019 SE Transnational
FI01_0131_THO_2019 Study Visit Developing Youth Workers Competences in Formal and N 01.09.2019 - 30.09.2019 Transnational
DK01_0276_THO_2021 The role of guidance in the transition to IVET 13.06.2022 - 15.06.2022 VET Transnational
SE01_0146_THO_2019 Study visit for school leaders - the role of school leaders in t 13.05.2019 - 16.05.2019 SEVETAE Transnational
EE01_0013_TSS_2018 Study Visit in Estonia: Creative use of digital technologies in 07.04.2019 - 09.04.2019 SE Transnational
NO01_0033_THO_2018 Study Visit in Norway: innovative use of ICT (mostly pupils age 01.10.2018 - 04.10.2018 SE Transnational
DE03_0540_TSS_2023 Study Visit on Sustainability in Schools LTA 11.03.2024 - 14.03.2024 SEVET Transnational
FR01_0582_TSS_2024 Study visit « European Art, Crafts and Heritage" 21.05.2024 - 24.05.2024 SEVETHE Transnational
NO01_0122_THO_2019 Study visit – “Use of ICT in pre-primary and primary educati 30.09.2019 - 03.10.2019 SE Transnational
NO01_0153_THO_2018 Study visit “Public libraries and their roles and work in inte 06.05.2019 - 08.05.2019 AE Transnational
FR01_0229_THO_2020 Study visit. Fight against gender stereotypes: in educational an 25.05.2021 - 27.05.2021 SEVET Transnational
FI01_0577_THO_2024 Study Visit: Arctic Pedagogy 12.05.2024 - 16.05.2024 VETAE Transnational
ES01_0112_THO_2019 Study visit: Enhancing Early Childhood Education and Care 10.12.2019 - 13.12.2019 SE Transnational
PL01_0640_THO_2023 Study visits: Croatian experiences 13.05.2024 - 15.05.2024 VET Transnational
PL01_0641_THO_2023 Study visits: Finnish experiences 21.05.2024 - 23.05.2024 VET Transnational
IE01_0269_THO_2021 Supporting home languages and the languages of schooling 02.11.2021 - 04.11.2021 SE Transnational
IE01_0414_THO_2022 Supporting Home Languages 16.11.2022 - 18.11.2022 SE Transnational
MT01_0029_THO_2018 Supporting Migrants through education and training 29.10.2018 - 02.11.2018 AE Transnational
RS01_0395_THO_2022 Supporting Transitions - the role of career guidance 15.09.2022 - 16.09.2022 SEVETHEAE Transnational
DE02_0283_THO_2021 Sustainability in Erasmus+: Towards the green transition LTA 02.12.2021 - 03.12.2021 SEVETHEAE Transnational
IT02_0646_TSS_2024 Synergy of Funds 17.11.2024 - 19.11.2024 SEVETHEAE Transnational
NL01_0424_THO_2023 Diversity and Inclusion in Teacher Training 12.04.2023 - 14.04.2023 HE Transnational
RS01_0212_THO_2020 TCA “Career guidance and counselling for students from vulnera 19.05.2021 - 21.05.2021 SEVETAE Transnational
NO01_0103_TSS_2019 Teacher Education (Thematic seminar for ongoing projects) 21.11.2019 - 22.11.2019 SE Transnational
RS01_0520_TSS_2023 Teaching Mathematics – Overcoming Challenges 14.12.2023 - 15.12.2023 SEVET Transnational
FI01_0498_THO_2023 Teaching sustainability competences LTA 01.10.2023 - 04.10.2023 SE Transnational
EL01_0663_TSS_2024 The challenges of Greening 12.11.2024 - 15.11.2024 SEVETHEAE Transnational
IE01_0402_TSS_2021 The ‘Digital Classroom’ Training Course LTA 28.09.2022 - 29.09.2022 SE Transnational
IE01_0351_TSS_2021 The ‘Digital Classroom’ Training Course 27.04.2022 - 28.04.2022 SE Transnational
MT01_0270_THO_2021 Erasmus+: Mechanism for Inclusion 19.10.2021 - 20.10.2021 SEVETHEAE Transnational
IE02_0046_THO_2018 The Language Exchange: Building Good Practice in Pupil and Teach 16.01.2019 - 19.01.2019 SE Transnational
IE01_0084_TSS_2019 The Language Exchange: Use European mobility projects to ignite 21.11.2019 - 24.11.2019 Transnational
DK01_0159_THO_2019 The role of guidance and counselling in planning further educati 30.09.2019 - 02.10.2019 SE Transnational
NL01_0031_THO_2018 Thematic Adult Education seminar 02.10.2018 - 03.10.2018 AE Transnational
LT01_0496_THO_2023 Active Bodies = Active Minds 08.09.2023 - 11.09.2023 SEVETHEAE Transnational
LT01_0626_THO_2024 Active Bodies = Active Minds 06.09.2024 - 09.09.2024 SEVETHEAE Transnational
NL01_0030_THO_2018 Thematic Seminar - Social Inclusion and Diversity 23.06.2019 - 25.06.2019 SEVETHEAE Transnational
CZ01_0001_THO_2018 Thematic seminar focused on European Internationalization Strate 06.06.2018 - 08.06.2018 VETHE Transnational
BE02_0691_THO_2025 Thematic Seminar for Experts/Assessors of KA2 11.02.2025 - 14.02.2025 SEVETHEAE Transnational
FR01_0601_THO_2024 Thematic seminar on Erasmus+ apprenticeship mobility in Europe 12.11.2024 - 15.11.2024 VETHE Transnational
FR01_0468_THO_2023 Thematic seminar on apprenticeship mobility in Europe (VET/HE) 12.11.2023 - 15.11.2023 VETHE Transnational
BE02_0644_THO_2024 Democratic Participation Tools for SCH and VET organisations LTA 02.10.2024 - 04.10.2024 SEVET Transnational
CY01_0174_THO_2019 Thematic Seminar “Exchange of good practices among IROs on ICM 06.11.2019 - 08.11.2019 HE Transnational
DK01_0453_THO_2022 Thematic seminar: Education for sustainable development LTA 02.05.2023 - 04.05.2023 SE Transnational
NO01_0032_THO_2018 Thematic seminar: EU Skills agenda, Mobility and Guidance 09.05.2019 - 10.05.2019 SEVETAE Transnational
EE01_0612_THO_2023 Participation in democratic life and promoting EU elections 24.04.2024 - 26.04.2024 SE Transnational
FI01_0438_THO_2022 Together! - Inclusive Classroom and Digitally Supported Learning 18.04.2023 - 21.04.2023 SE Transnational
HU01_0065_THO_2018 Towards Collaborative Practice 2018 - Forum on the environmental 27.11.2018 - 01.12.2018 SEVETHEAEYH Transnational
DE03_0005_THO_2018 Towards High Quality in KA1 Mobility Projects for School Educati 17.06.2018 - 19.06.2018 SE Transnational
NL01_0578_THO_2024 Training Impact Design LTA 10.04.2024 - 12.04.2024 SEVETHEAE Transnational
CZ01_0687_THO_2024 Training Impact Design for NA Staff and Experts/Assessors LTA 22.01.2025 - 24.01.2025 SEVETHEAE Transnational
LT01_0617_TSS_2024 The Project Compass: Navigating Ideas towards Projects 18.06.2024 - 20.06.2024 SEVETAE Transnational
NO01_0446_TSS_2023 Nordic Contact seminar - CoVe and Allances of Innovation 23.10.2023 - 25.10.2023 VETHE Transnational
NO01_0585_TSS_2024 Contact seminar KA220 Cooperation 06.11.2024 - 08.11.2024 SEVETHE Transnational
NO01_0320_TSS_2022 Contact seminar - Collaborating for Success in KA220 13.11.2023 - 15.11.2023 SEVETHE Transnational
CZ01_0200_THO_2020 Transnational cooperation activity: Internationalisation strateg POSTPONED 17.05.2020 - 20.05.2020 VET Transnational
DK01_0645_TSS_2024 Nordic seminar on Capacity Building 11.11.2024 - 13.11.2024 VETHE Transnational
PL01_0034_EBAR_2018 Transnational tracer study on education and career paths of Eras 02.05.2018 - 30.06.2018 VET Transnational
PT01_0511_THO_2023 Unity in Diversity 22.11.2023 - 24.11.2023 SEVETHEAE Transnational
CZ01_0002_TSS_2018 Using eTwinning in KA2 School-To-School Partnerships 29.08.2018 - 01.09.2018 SE Transnational
IE01_0345_TSS_2021 VET Connected - Get Connected is targeted at VET organisations t 26.04.2022 - 26.04.2022 VET Transnational
IE01_0675_TSS_2024 VET connected GET connected 18.11.2024 - 20.11.2024 VET Transnational
CZ01_0280_TSS_2021 VET Contact seminar in the field of creative arts and crafts 10.05.2022 - 13.05.2022 VET Transnational
PL01_0532_AELE_2023 VI International Congress on Education and Training 07.09.2023 - 07.09.2023 SEVETHEAEYH Transnational
LI01_0571_TSS_2023 From project idea to project application in Erasmus+ 05.02.2024 - 08.02.2024 SEVETHEAE Transnational
LI01_0674_TSS_2024 Erasmus+ 2.0 Schreibwerkstatt (Writing Workshop) 27.01.2025 - 30.01.2025 SEVETHEAEYH Transnational
IE01_0611_TSS_2024 Long-Term Learning Mobility of Pupils 24.04.2024 - 26.04.2024 SE Transnational
IE01_0097_THO_2019 What makes a good inclusion project? A Study Visit for newcomer 18.11.2020 - 02.12.2020 SE Transnational
IE01_0045_TSS_2018 What to do in KA2? A Contact Making Seminar focusing on School E 06.12.2018 - 08.12.2018 SE Transnational
IT02_0499_TSS_2023 Young Sparks Symposium LTA 03.09.2023 - 07.09.2023 HE Transnational
IS01_0525_THO_2023 Your Nordic and Baltic accreditation LTA 30.10.2023 - 02.11.2023 SEVETAE Transnational
PL01_0394_TSS_2021 Support Refugees through Adult Education projects 13.09.2022 - 16.09.2022 AE Transnational
RS01_0610_THO_2024 Youth mental Health Training for Educators and Youth Workers 24.04.2024 - 26.04.2024 SEVETYH Transnational