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International Francophone seminar : " Le numérique, facteur de bien-être à l’école ?" - Is digital technology a factor in well-being at school?

Main Info

Digital transformation (2021-27)
Type of presence:
Venue country:
Venue city:
Working language:
Key Action:
TCA documents:
E+ Academy:
Start date:
End date:

TCA Description

Themes and goals:

This European seminar is aimed at participants who speak French independently (level B1-B2).

This TCA is organised by the Région Académique Nouvelle-Aquitaine in partnership with : 

  • the Grand Est, Bretagne and Pays-de-Loire academic regions
  • Cégeps in Eastern Quebec 
  • Université de Poitiers (in conjunction with their partner in Quebec, Université Laval)
  • eTwinning and Réseau Canopé
  • CMQ du numérique pour la formation professionnelle 4.0 Excellence in Nouvelle-Aquitaine
  • TNE 86
  • IH2EF

The Poitiers education authority is also committed to a proactive digital strategy for education as part of the "Poitiers capital of education". Since 2021, it has been experimenting with the Territoire Numérique Educatif (Digital Educational Territory) scheme and working jointly with local players in this field. 

This transnational activity will be programmed as part of le Festival de la Francophonie

This Erasmus+ European seminar brings together French-speaking participants from Quebec and Europe to promote the use of digital technology as a tool for promoting well-being at school.

The chosen theme is based on two observations:

  • The need to act on the well-being of learners, who have been through a difficult period with the COVID-19 health crisis. This is one of the priorities set out in the 2022 circular from the French Ministry of Education. It is also in line with the objectives of media and information literacy, the fight against cyberbullying and disinformation, including the development of empathy classes and work on psychosocial skills.
  • Digital technology has become an integral part of everyday life in education, both in personal life and in teaching practices.

It is often presented as a source of unhappiness and abuse:

  • Time spent on screens ;
  • Loops of interest algorithms ;
  • Distortion of self-image ;
  • Cyber-bullying ;
  • etc.

However, digital technology can be a tool for improving well-being at school, for both pupils and staff:

  • Personalise learning: skills groups, progressiveness, educational differentiation, continuity, etc.
  • Keeping in touch: in the event of pupil or teacher absence, or closure of the school, etc.
  • Consider new teaching methods: flipped classes, collaborative work, etc.
  • Creating digital tools to promote well-being.

Digital education also helps to develop critical thinking, citizenship and openness to the world. However, education staff are not always at ease with digital tools and their uses.

Against this backdrop, we thought it would be useful to share teaching and educational practices and management practices that promote the well-being of pupils and staff, using digital technology, which could be of interest to the entire educational community.

This approach, which links digital technology and well-being, could enrich the thinking on learning empathy as it is being developed in several school systems (Denmark, France, etc.).

Expected results:

This European seminar is aimed at participants who speak French independently (level B1-B2).

The aim of the seminar is to promote the use of digital technology as a tool for developing well-being and quality of life in schools, and to encourage participants from all over Europe and Quebec to share their different experiences and best practices.

The seminar will focus on a number of themes/priorities:

  • Reversing certain negative representations of the possible uses of digital technology and its impact
  • Increasing participants' ability to develop projects combining digital technology and well-being in their establishments and structures
  • Enriching viewpoints through intercultural exchanges on the care of pupils in different education systems.
  • The seminar will be enriched by presentations from French, Quebec and European experts, presentations of digital projects and tools, workshops for exchanging practices and visits to dedicated facilities.

The seminar will be enriched by talks from French, Quebec and European experts, presentations of projects and digital tools, workshops for exchanging practices and visits to dedicated venues.

Participants will also have the opportunity to meet potential partners from Europe and Quebec and to make contacts in other countries, thus gaining inspiration from practices implemented in other countries and enjoying an intercultural experience.

Additional information:

Part of the seminar will be available in hybrid mode. A launch webinar (1 hour) is scheduled onwednesday 18 september 2.30pm 

The working and discussion language throughout the seminar is French. 

B1-B2 level in French is required: level of independent user (advanced or independent level).

The seminar's Francophone challenge: zero Anglicisms! 

The challenge of creating an entirely French-language vocabulary for a highly anglicised theme, namely digital technology and well-being, will be launched.

The seminar will take place in Poitiers (France) from 7 to 9 October 2024, close to the Futuroscope site:

  • Arrival expected on Monday 7 October 2024, between 12:00 (noon) and 14:00 (start of activity) for reception and set-up.
  • Departure scheduled for Wednesday 9 October 2024, from 16:00 onwards.

TCA start and end dates/times are set and validated. Please coordinate your outward and return journeys to respect these timetables. 

On 7 October, all participants will be welcomed at the Atelier Canopé 86 - Poitiers: 6 rue Sainte-Catherine 86000 Poitiers (France).

By planeIf your flight lands at Paris  Roissy-Charles de Gaulle airport (CDG airport code), join the Montparnasse station by "le bus direct Paris aéroport", line 4. Transport time: around 40 to 50 mins more.


  • One way: €17
  • Return ticket: €30

By train  Eurostar: 

The Eurostar line arrives in Paris at Gare du Nord from many European countries. We recommend that you use this sustainable mode of transport whenever possible.

Take metro line 4  direction "Bagneux - Lucie Aubrac" from Paris Gare du Nord (railway station) to Paris Gare Montparnasse (railway station). Journey time approx. 25 mins

From Paris-Montparnasse station, take a TGV train (High speed train) to Poitiers Transport time: around 2 hours more.   SNCF-CONNECT

From Poitiers Grand Cerf railway station to Atelier Canopé: bus transport Vitalis around 20mn more.

IMPORTANT: Costs covered by the Erasmus+ France Education/Formation agency (FR01)

  • 2 nights: 7 and 8 October, accommodation at the Hotel Campanile
  • 2 breakfast: 8 and 9 October,
  • 2 lunches (buffet): 8 and 9 October. Please note that lunch on the 7 October (arrival) is at your own expense,
  • 2 dinners : 7 and 8 October.

Partners and participants

Organiser NA:
FR01 - Agence Erasmus+ France / Education Formation
Number of participants:
Participants per country:
30 - France
Target group:
School leaders, directors Teachers Trainers School authorities
Erasmus+ Programme experience level:
Newcomers and Experienced beneficiaries
Profile of participants:

This European seminar is aimed at participants who speak French independently (level B1-B2).

Total number of participants expected: +/- +60 participants

  • 20 EU participants (all EU NAs) ;
  • and 10 Canadian participants.

This international meeting is aimed at all organisations in the school education and vocational education and training sectors. (Organisations new to the Erasmus+ programme as well as more experienced ones). It is aimed, for example, at the various staff/heads of establishments/inspectors/teachers/trainers in these two sectors.


Pending booked places

Accepted places

Sending partner(s):
AT01 - 2 BE01 - 4 BE02 - 3 DE02 - 2 DE03 - 3 ES01 - 4 FR01 - 30 IE01 - 3 LV01 - 2 PL01 - 1 SK01 - 2 BE03 - 2 PT01 - 2
Pending booked places:
Accepted places:

TCA Participant Application

Start date of TCA Participant Application:
Application deadline:
Confirmation deadline for Sending NAs:
Confirmation deadline for Organiser NAs: