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Frequently Asked Questions


Training and Cooperation Activities (TCAs) are international events and activities organised by Erasmus+ National Agencies. They aim to connect participants, foster collaboration between organisations, and enhance the quality and impact of Erasmus+ projects.

TCAs bring people and organisations together to share knowledge, build skills, and create impactful Erasmus+ projects. 

TCAs come in various formats, including training sessions, thematic workshops, partner-finding events (contact seminars) and study visits in education institutions (as part of the programme). Whether you are new to Erasmus+ or experienced, these activities are designed to build skills, explore specific topics related to inclusion, digitalisation, green transition or civic participation, and create opportunities and spaces to develop partnerships, project ideas or future projects. 

They focus on sharing best practices, and learning from experts, from each other while building connections to make Erasmus+ even more impactful on a broader scale. 

Inside the experience: training activity highlights from around Europe - playlist

Training and Cooperation Activities (TCAs) are open to a broad range of participants connected to the Erasmus+ Programme. They are tailored to:

  • Representatives of organisations: Those from institutions that are already participating in Erasmus+ or planning to apply for grants. This includes schools, universities, NGOs, and other organizations across multiple sectors such as Adult Education (AE), Vocational Education and Training (VET), Higher Education (HE), School Education (SE), and Youth*.
  • Educators and Trainers: Teachers, trainers, and professors aiming to enhance their skills, explore innovative approaches, or connect with international peers. 
  • Project Leaders and Managers: Individuals responsible for designing, implementing, or managing Erasmus+ projects who wish to improve quality, expand networks, or find international partners. 

TCAs are often multi-sectoral, meaning participants from more education& training sectors can join to explore shared priorities such as inclusion, digitalisation, green transition, and civic participation. 

*For youth-specific Training and Cooperation Activities, visit the portal. 

Before you can apply for a TCA, you must create a user account on the site (Log in >> Create Account). Please select the TCA of your interest in the Events menu. Pay attention that you match the criteria described in the “Profile of participant” section. Consider if the time, location, working language and other details of the TCA are appropriate for you. Upon your decision to participate, you can express your wish by submit an application if you see the "Apply" button for the TCA.

If you have questions to your country's National Agency or to the Organiser National Agency of the event, please find contact details here.

If you have technical questions about this website (registration/application), please contact us at

Watch this tutorial video on the online application process. 

User manual for applicants is available here.

If you have questions about the operation of this website do not hesitate to contact