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Institutions in E&T

The Resource Centre capitalizes on the knowledge, experience and observations of NA colleagues, specifically TCA officers and NA directors and the TCA Education and Training Working Group when creating the coordination platform and harmonized processes. The RC management works in close cooperation with the European Commission. 


The European Commission works with National Agencies to manage the Erasmus+ Programme. The National Agencies are located in all the Programme Countries to ensure closeness to participants and adaptability to the diversity of national education, training and youth systems. These National Agencies are entrusted with the promotion and implementation of the Programme at national level and they act as the link between the European Commission and participating organisations at local, regional and national level.

National Agencies (NAs) are in charge of the administration and implementation of Erasmus+ and European Solidarity Corps in the Programme Countries. NAs organise TCAs to enhance the overall quality of the Erasmus+ programme.


The SALTO Resource Centres represent a network of 11 organisations working in the Youth and the Education & Training sectors.
SALTOs working in the education and training sectors are the following:

SALTO Resource Centres operating in the youth sector are all hosted at the  SALTO-Youth website.
Follow the SALTO Resource Centres Network on LinkedIn.
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The Directorate General for Education and Culture (DG EAC):  is the executive branch of the European Union responsible for policy on education, culture, youth, languages, and sport. DG EAC supports these issues through a variety of projects and programmes, notably Erasmus+ and European Solidarity Corps.

The TCA Resource Centre aims to fulfil its assignment in a way to best meet the expectations of all stakeholder groups including the European Commission, therefore the Resource Centre management keeps regular contact with the EC regarding the planning and the realization of its workplan.

The Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA) is responsible for the management of certain parts of the EU's funding programmes in the fields of education, culture, audiovisual, sport, citizenship and volunteering.