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Short definitions of TCA-related (Training and Cooperation Activities) terms, including terms of the Analytics module.

Alphabet Term Definition
Activity Management Panel (AMP)

The Activity Management Panel (AMP) contains all functions related to the professional management of activities (e.g. TCAs/LTAs, Applications & Partnerships, Feedback, Tools) 

This page is not available to visitors and applicants.

Activity Type

All activities on the Platform are classified into an activity type. 
These include 3 types of single activities: (TSS – contact-making seminars: Training, support and contact seminars of potential Programme participants; THO – thematic seminars; Thematic activities linked to the objectives, priority target groups and themes of the Programme; AELE - Activities linked to European-level events) and two activities with long-term characteristics that can group different single activities (LTA - Long-term activity; RT-LTA - Evaluation and analysis of Programme results (Research type Long-term activity).


A tool designed to track, analyse and compare activity data by Year, National Agency and Country, providing insights into Training and Cooperation Activities (TCAs) and Long-term Activities (LTAs). 

The module solely uses data uploaded to the Platform and is currently unavailable for applicants and visitors.


Most commonly users who have already applied for participation in an activity. 
„Applicant” can also refer to a user type. For example, "Applicants" in the Activity Management Panel’s (AMP) “My Network: Applicants” menu refers to users who registered on the Platform with your NA as their Sending NA.

Application deadline

Concerning the TCA participant application process, the last day for applicants to submit their application form for the event.

Attended activities

Analytics module: The Analytics module allows one to see how actively a Country or National Agency has participated as an organiser, co-organiser or sending partner in activities organised by National Agencies in other Countries. If the Criteria field is set to "National Agency" or "Country" and the Category field is set to "TCAs" or "LTAs". You can select options in the Subcategory field to view co-organiser/sending and organiser data.

Budget Year

As the calendar year, the budget year can also be used to specify a period. Each year, the National Agency shall prepare the planning of TCA to be realised in the following yearly period of 1 January N till 31 December N+1.

The budget year and the traditional calendar year may differ: for example, an event held in January of a given year may be funded from the previous year's budget. 

Budget years: 

  • 2018: 2018.01.01-2019.06.30;
  • 2019: 2019.01.01-2020.06.30; 
  • 2020: 2020.01.01-2021.12.31; 
  • 2021: 2021.01.01-2022.12.31; 
  • 2022: 2022.01.01-2023.12.31.
Cancelled activities

A label indicating activities marked as cancelled by the Organiser NA

The Organiser NA can withdraw cancellation. An activity marked as cancelled becomes inactive in its current state and remains visible according to its status. A cancelled activity cannot be edited, and applications are closed. 

In the Analytics module activities cancelled in the Only for NAs status are also included in the data. 


An analytical parameter within the Analytics module. It is used to specify the scope for the statistical analysis, after selecting Criteria (Global, NA, Country, or Year) and Value.
Available selection options: TCAs (Training and Cooperation Activities), LTAs (Long-Term Activities), or Applicant/Participant.

Co-organising Partner (TCAs and LTAs)

Regarding both single TCAs and Long-term Activities (LTAs), NAs can participate as Co-organising Partners. The Co-organising partners provide financial contributions and/or expertise to the TCA/LTA. 

While for TCAs, Co-organisers can apply to the Organiser NA on the Platform, for LTAs the Coordinator NA (after prior agreement) adds the NA to the activity.

Confirmation deadline for Organiser NAs

TCA participant application assessment deadline. The last day for the Organiser NA to assess and finalise all submitted applications they received from Sending NAs.

Related terms: Confirmation deadline for Sending NAs

Confirmation deadline for Sending NAs

TCA participant application forwarding deadline. The final day for Sending NAs to review applications they have received and forward the approved ones to the Organiser NA.

Related terms: Confirmation deadline for Organising NA


In the Analytics module, 'country' as the analysis level includes data from all National Agencies operating in the chosen country’s Education and Training sector. As in the case of Germany, NAs with the code:  DE01, DE02, and DE03.

In the case of LTAs’ datasheet, all countries where the TCAs connected to the LTA will take place.

In an Applicant's profile, it refers to the country where the applicant's organisation is based.

Related terms: Country of residence

Country of residence

In an Applicant’s profile, the country indicates where the applicant currently resides and where their organisation operates.


Analytics module: An analytical parameter within the Analytics module. It represents a global perspective that allows users to select the level of analysis.
Possible analysis levels include Global, National Agency, Country, and Year.

Date of publication (TCAs and LTAs)

TCAs: TCA Partner Application Start Date. The date when the TCA partner application process begins on the Platform. The TCA becomes visible to other NAs in the AMP as "TCA Partner Applications: Open for TCA Partner Application," allowing them to book places for the event.


Analytics module: An analytical parameter within the Analytics module. Determines how the chosen Subcategory (e.g., 'Number of realised organised TCAs') is subdivided based on specific characteristics (e.g. 'Sectors'.)

Erasmus + Priorities/Priority

The 2021-2027 Erasmus + programme puts a strong emphasis on:

  • ‘Inclusion and diversity’
  • ‘Environment and the fight against climate change’, 
  • ‘Digital transformation’,
  • ‘Participation in democratic life, common values, and civic engagement’.

Click here for more information on the Priorities.

These thematic areas constitute the four Erasmus + Priorities, and each TCA/LTA is linked to at least one of these topics. Additionally, TCAs/LTAs can also focus on ‘Increasing the quality of the programme implementation’

In the Analytics module, there is a "Dimension" option which allows the “Subcategory" to be analysed by Erasmus+ priorities.



Analytics module: An analytical parameter within the Analytics module, enabling users to refine results using two categories. The time-based filters include "Year" and "Budget year," while the location-based filters include "National Agency" and "Country."

Grouped Bar view

Analytics module: A display mode within the Analytics module. It is a data visualization method similar to bar charts, presenting the values of different groups separately, mainly suitable for comparing the results of individual categories.

Key Actions

To achieve the objectives of the Erasmus+ Programme, different Key Actions, commonly referred to as KA1, KA2, and KA3, are defined for each programming period. TCAs can also be linked to a Key Action. 

For detailed information on Key Actions please find information in the Erasmus + Programme Guide.

In the Analytics module, it is a Dimension that allows the Subcategory to be analysed by Erasmus+ Key Actions.

Long-term Activity (LTA)

Long-term Activities, LTAs are strategic, multi-year activities involving multiple NAs working together to impact Program and policy development. One NA leads and coordinates, while others take turns organising activities, contributing financially, or sending participants to connected TCA activities.

National Agency (NA)

A body in charge of managing the implementation of the Erasmus+ Programme at the national level in a Member State or in a third country associated with the Programme. One or more National Agencies may exist in each country. Training and Cooperation Activities (TCAs) are organised and managed by staff members (TCA Officers) working at National Agencies.

Ongoing Long-term Activity (LTA)

An LTA is considered ongoing when the current year falls within its designated duration, defined by the starting and finishing years. Once an LTA is finished, the activity transitions to realised status.

Organiser NA (TCAs):

In the case of Training and Cooperation Activities (TCAs), the main organiser National Agency is the Organiser NA (who is also the creator of the TCA). 
The Organiser NA publishes the event on the Platform, sets deadlines, manages partner applications, and finalises the participant list.

Organising Partner (LTAs)

In addition to the Co-organising partnership, National Agencies can also become the Organising Partners in an LTA. A National Agency becomes an Organising Partner when its TCA is connected to an LTA.


A user who applied for participation in an activity and has been accepted by the Sending NA and the Organiser NA.

People with fewer opportunities

People with fewer opportunities means people who, for economic, social, cultural, geographical or health reasons, a migrant background, or for reasons such as disability and educational difficulties or for any other reasons, including those that can give rise to discrimination under article 21 of the Charter of Fundamental rights of the European Union, face obstacles that prevent them from having effective access to opportunities under the programme.

Postponed activities (TCAs)

A label indicating activities currently marked as postponed by the Organiser NA. The Analytics module excludes data on events where the „postponed” label has been removed and includes events postponed in Only for NAs status.

Realised activities (TCAs or LTAs)

A category indicating the status of completed activities. The status is valid when the current date exceeds the activity's end date and is not labelled “cancelled" or „postponed”.


A document that provides a summarised analysis on a specific topic. Data generated by the Analytics module can serve as a good basis for creating statements aimed at informing and facilitating decision-making, documentation, or performance evaluation.

Scope of activity (TCA)

TCAs can have a transnational or national scope. In case a National Agency organises a National TCA, only relevant in the national context, the TCA is only open for national participants (and NAs in the Organiser NA’s country).


Sectors represent different types/levels of education in the Erasmus+ Programme. The following sectors belong to Education and Training: 

  • SE - School Education,
  • VET - Vocational Education and Training, 
  • HE - Higher Education, 
  • AE - Adult Education. 

The SALTO Education& Training TCA Platform displays TCAs in the above-listed sectors and cross-sectoral events (events that involve that are relevant to the Youth sector).

Sending NA/Sending Partner (TCAs)

Applicants are assigned to a Sending National Agency (NA) during the registration process, based on their organisation's location and sector.

The organisation's location is identified by a country code (e.g., IT), while the sector is indicated by a code (e.g., IT01 for VET sector, IT02 for Higher, Adult, and School Education). 

You can find the list of Sending NAs for each country and sector here

A Sending Partner NA is a National Agency that collaborates with the Organiser NA for a specific TCA. Sending NAs are responsible for preselecting participants for an event, consulting with the selected participants regarding travel arrangements and administration before the activity and managing reporting after the activity.

Stacked Bar view

A display mode within the Analytics module. It is a data visualization method similar to bar charts, presenting the values of different groups in a stacked manner, primarily suitable for comparing aggregated values. 

Statistical data

Recorded and processed numerical or categorical values that assist in understanding the characteristics and relationships of a given phenomenon or subject area.


Analytics module: An analytical parameter within the Analytics module, containing the indicators specific to each category (TCAs, LTAs, Applicant/Participant). (E.g., Number of realised TCAs, Total number of Applicants, etc.)


A key feature of all TCAs and LTAs is the subtopic, which aims to inform the users of the platform about the main subjects of the activities. 

Subtopics can be grouped into 7 major categories: E+ project, Networking, Methods & Tools, Skills, Equality, Study, and Other.

Table view

A display mode within the Analytics module that presents results in a tabular format.

TCAs part of an LTA (Long-term Activity)

Refers to activities that are part of a Long-Term Activity (LTA). LTA partnerships can organise TCAs as part of the Long-term Activity framework.  These TCAs can be connected to LTAs on the Platform via the LTA Partner Applications menu.

Training and Cooperation Activity (TCA)

Training & Cooperation Activities are support activities implemented by NAs, intending to enhance quality, and improve the accessibility of the Erasmus+ Programme, promote community-building, and foster networking between organisations.
The National Agency can organise the following eligible activities: “contact-making seminars“ training and support seminars for potential Program participants, “thematic seminars” thematic activities aligned with Program objectives and target groups, and events related to European-level occasions.

Type of presence

Describes what type of presence the activity is implemented with. Organisers can choose between fully in-person (‘Face-to-Face’), fully online (‘Online’) or partly online versions (‘Blended’ and ‘Hybrid’).

‘Blended’ activities:  A face-to-face activity with (an)online preparation module(s).

‘Hybrid’: the activity is planned to be organised face-to-face, but some participants may join virtually.


Analytics module: An analytical parameter in the Analytics module, representing available options for each Criterion. This forms the list of National Agencies, Countries, or Years based on which the analysis can be conducted.

X and Y axis

The X and Y axes are fundamental components of a coordinate system used in graphs, charts, and other visual representations to display and analyze data. They provide a framework for plotting and comparing data points in two dimensions.


The abbreviation "XLS" stands for "Excel Spreadsheet," which refers to a file format. The XLS file format is used by the Microsoft Excel spreadsheet program, allowing storage and management of tables, data, and calculations.