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Models for inclusion. Special education – a project-based pedagogy

Main Info

Inclusion (2014-20)
Type of presence:
Venue country:
Venue city:
Working language:
Key Action:
Not applicable
TCA documents:
E+ Academy:
Start date:
End date:

TCA Description

Themes and goals:
We would like: • To share our local experiences in educational services for SEN children and young people; • To offer a good practice model on how children access and engage in their education and how teachers/professionals are empowered to support them in this; • To emphasize project-based approach and functional partnerships: formal education – NGOs – medical services; • To encourage networking in the framework of Erasmus+ and Strategic Partnerships focused on pupils with SEN.
Expected results:
The participants will learn about: • The educational policies and procedures aimed for SEN students and how are they translated in our local context; • The Project-Based Pedagogy in the context of E.U. funding local and county educational projects focused on pupils with SEN; • The importance and impact of locally really functional partnerships for rehabilitation and access to the labor market of SEN students: institutions (public authorities), schools, medical services and NGOs, all acting together for the community benefit; • Pathways for educational, vocational and personal development of SEN students; • The methodology of early intervention for disabled children and its effectiveness to school and social integration; • How to position towards and support families of SEN children (emotional, physical, financial, medical aids); • New educational approaches (including teaching methods, assistive devices, curricula adaptation and so on) for best performing of the pupils with intellectual disability, sensory disability, learning disabilities reflected in situ.
Additional information:
Participants: • Will discuss and debate on topics related to the SEN field; • Will visit schools and other institutions which provide specialized education for SEN students, which successfully implemented educational projects financed by E.U.; • Will observe, analyze and interact with professionals (school counselors, speech therapists, psycho–pedagogues, physiotherapists, and educators) about specific intervention methodologies and techniques; • Will attend open discussions, workshops and round table meetings focusing on the topic of the visit; • Will meet with officials from education, county authorities and local representatives of relevant NGOs in addressing services for children with SEN. • Will discover more about Erasmus+ opportunities. The participants will: • meet decision makers, local and regional level, school head teachers, special education teachers, medical staff working with SEN children; • visit day centers for children with disabilities, schools and rehabilitation institutions which provide specialized education and medical treatment for the children; • attend debates, open discussions, round table sessions and assist teaching activities focusing on the topic of the visit; • have the opportunity to share experience, analyze the potential of transferability to their own school environments of the good practices observed here; • have the possibility to connect with the local/regional institutions in order to develop further cooperation activities within the framework of the Erasmus+ Programme. Short description of the study visit The proposed study visit will take place in the capital city of Bihor County which comprises kindergartens, primary, secondary, vocational and guidance units for pupils with a range of special needs. Extensive experience (over 40 years now) in designing and conducting programmes in special needs and inclusion conducted us to a successful education and rehabilitation on the topic. Here, you will find a network of educational institutions, NGOs and medical rehabilitation services, all working together and fully addressed to the children with different types of disabilities. Our specialists – from special education teachers to school counselors, headmasters, and representatives of child protection interact and build together with parents, civil society to develop and implement policies and procedures ensuring equal opportunities and social inclusion for SEN children and young pupils. We emphasize learning process on practical rather than theoretical knowledge. By the end of the study visit, participants will have deeper insights about addressing special needs students, the dynamics underlying social and vocational inclusion, the good local practices and partnerships in providing our services. They will also have observed and analyzed methodologies and techniques for early intervention, intellectual and learning disabilities and have discussed outcomes with our specialists and policymakers. They will also have the opportunity to network and initiate collaborations on inclusion and special needs topics on further Erasmus+ projects.

Partners and participants

Organiser NA:
RO01 - Agentia Nationala pentru Programe Comunitare in Domeniul Educatiei si Formarii Profesionale
Number of participants:
Target group:
Erasmus+ Programme experience level:
Profile of participants:
Directors of education institutions, centers or providers, Directors of guidance centers, Educational inspectors, Head teachers, teacher trainers, Heads of departments, School counselors, speech therapists, Special education teachers, Pedagogical or guidance advisers, Representatives of educational services Representatives of local, regional and national authorities related to the field.

Pending booked places

Accepted places

Sending partner(s):
Pending booked places:
Accepted places:

TCA Participant Application

Start date of TCA Participant Application:
Application deadline:
Confirmation deadline for Sending NAs:
Confirmation deadline for Organiser NAs: