Erasmus+ Higher Education International Dimension: BALTIC INFO DAYS 2021
Main Info
TCA Description
The Erasmus+ Higher Education International Dimension Baltic Info Days will be held in Tallinn, Estonia on October 20-21. Currently the physical event is planned, however, it might change to the on-line one taking into account the respective epidemiologic situation of Covid-19 pandemic in the Baltic States.
The event will focus on four Erasmus+ higher education international dimension activities: International Credit Mobility, Erasmus Mundus Action, Capacity building in the field of Higher Education and Jean Monnet Actions in the field of Higher Education. There will be presentations by the European Commission, European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA), National Erasmus+ Offices from Partner Countries, National Agencies and Higher Education Institutions, as well as possibilities for sharing your experiences in discussion groups, and networking.
The main target groups of the event are representatives from higher education institutions of Estonia, Lithuania and Latvia. In case of physical event the confirmed participants from Latvia and Lithuania will have an opportunity to apply for Erasmus+ financial support to cover their travel and subsistence costs.
This transnational training, support and contact seminar for Erasmus+ project coordinators and potential applicants is an event of regular tradition, hosted in sequence by the three Baltic countries (previously Estonia in 2014, Lithuania in 2016 and Latvia in 2018).
The working language of the event will be English.
Registration will open in August and selected participants will receive a confirmation in September.
The event is jointly organized by the three Baltic Erasmus+ National Agencies:
Erasmus+ and European Solidarity Corps Agency (Estonia);
State Education Development Agency (Latvia);
Education Exchanges Support Foundation (Lithuania).
Partners and participants
Pending booked places
Accepted places