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Exchanging assessment experience of experts on accreditation final reports

Part of a Long-term activity

Main Info

Increase the quality of programme implementation (2021-27)
Type of presence:
Venue country:
Venue city:
Working language:
Key Action:
TCA documents:
E+ Academy:
Start date:
End date:

TCA Description

Themes and goals:

The TCA is a part of the LTA Accreditation and is the last TCA in the LTA before the summit in Tromsö in december. The TCA is a peer learning event for assessors and NA staff assessing accreditation final reports to discuss their experience and dilemmas regarding Erasmus Accreditation final reports. The TCA aims at reaching a common ground on how to assess Erasmus Accreditation final reports and modular reporting, e.g. Erasmus quality standard reports, Erasmus Plan progress reports, Erasmus Plan update.


All activities are performed as online activities. 


Preliminary agenda: 

Two days of approximately two hours each: 

Tuesday, October 31, 2023: Afternoon 14.00-16.00 CEST: Status update and summary of previous TCAs in the LTA. 

Wednesday, November 1, 2023: Morning 10:00-12:00 CEST: Training session in break out rooms

A final agenda is being prepared and up loaded when finished.

Please book your places via Salto until 28 August 2023.

Please note: We are not using SALTO for aaplications to this TCA. We kindly ask NA staff to invite a number of experts/staff equivalent to booked places by sending them a registration link directly. 


- Deadline for participants registration: 29 September 2023

- Validation & confirmation of pre-selected participants: 06 October 2023

Expected results:

Expected results:


  • Identification of where the assessors rate the KA1 final reports differently

  • Reaching a common understanding on how to assess accreditation final reports (KA121)
Additional information:

Please note: We are not using SALTO for this TCA. We kindly ask NA staff to invite a number of experts/staff equivalent to booked places by sending them a registration link directly. 

Partners and participants

Organiser NA:
DK01 - Danish Agency for Science and Higher Education
Number of participants:
Target group:
Erasmus+ Programme experience level:
Profile of participants:

Target group: Experts assessing KA121 and NA staff 


Pending booked places

Accepted places

Sending partner(s):
BE02 - 1 CZ01 - 3 DE02 - 2 DK01 - 4 ES01 - 5 FI01 - 2 LV01 - 2 MT01 - 6 NL01 - 4 NO01 - 3 PL01 - 3 SI01 - 2 SK01 - 2 SE01 - 3
Pending booked places:
Accepted places:

TCA Participant Application

Start date of TCA Participant Application:
Application deadline:
Confirmation deadline for Sending NAs:
Confirmation deadline for Organiser NAs:

Long-term Activity Info

LTA Accreditation
HU01 - Tempus Public Foundation
Increase the quality of programme implementation (2021-27)
mobility capacity building in impact and dissemination
Denmark Hungary Luxembourg Malta Norway Sweden
Working language:
Start date:
End date:

Rationale and background:

Erasmus Accreditation is a new way to access mobility activities under the new Erasmus Programme (2021-27).The  aim is to

  • make the planning of Erasmus mobility projects  more strategic
  • have a significant impact of the projects at institutional level
  • better correlate with EU educational policies and/or objectives.

To achieve the above objectives the new Programme has been designed to make it easier for organizations to access. With Erasmus accreditation, organizations only need to be accredited once to receive funding for Key Action 1 mobility activities during the seven years of the Programme. Key Action 1 supports organizations in delivering professional and personal development opportunities for learners, teachers and trainers and other education staff.

 Each Erasmus Accreditation covers one of three fields of education:

1.Adult Education (Including formal, informal and non-formal education)

2.Vocational Education and Training (Including initial and continuing vocational education and training, and work-based learning in all of its forms)

3.School Education (Including early childhood education and care, pre-primary, primary and secondary schools)

For further information please refer to the Padlet Platform of the LTA cooperation.


The overall aim of the long-term activity is 

  • to help project promoters with the drafting  of their Erasmus Plan:  drafting the strategic objectives of the accreditation and its possible impact on the organization. (The Erasmus Plan should cover at least two years and extending it further will not require a new application.) The added value of the LTA is making contact with other organizations that apply for Erasmus Accreditation. 
  • to support project coordinators to maintain the quality standard of mobilities during the accredited period  thus achieve the expected impact on their organization. The added value of the LTA is sharing know-how with other organizations in the topic. 

The specific aim is that the LTA  will be an umbrella, covering the different work packages thus Erasmus Plan,  Quality implementation  and impact of Accreditation has a common understanding and similar level of implementation.

For further information please refer to the Padlet Platform of the LTA cooperation.

Planned Activities:

The activities are divided into work packages (WP). 

WP 1 is the coordination of the long-term activity on AccreditationIt covers the scheduling, the matching of activities to one another, the monitoring of the activities, the harmonising of WPs.

WP 2  is focused on New-comers to Accreditation where the focus of TCA is on strategic planning, on the so called Erasmus Plan.  The expected outcome of the WP to  help newcomers  to get accreditation.  The output of the WP : Defining steps of strategic approach/Erasmus Plan objectives(your organizational strategy)/expected impact on your organization. Added value: While developing strategic thinking and Erasmus Plan together  with other   partners, finding Erasmus Accreditation project partners.

WP 3 is focused on national experts of Accreditation where the focus is on the assessment criterias and methods of Accreditation. 

WP 4 is focused on  Accredited project managers who need to evaluate their own accreditation and improve it. Erasmus Plan needs updating during the years, and doing so one needs tools for evaluation and impact measurement.

The outcome and output of this WP would be a discussion  or a checklist of quality criterias of Accreditation. How to ensure that project outcomes meet project goals. How strategic thinking is maintained throughout the accreditation with an impact on the organization.

The added value of this WP is: supporting monitoring.  Organizations can peerlearn from each other by meeting with their European counterparts. 

WP 5 is focused on national experts of Accreditation where the focus is on the quality of implementation  of Accreditation. How to guarantee the quality throughout the Accreditation period.

WP6: cross – sectoral   “summit meeting” of past TCA participants to exchange experience what impact  Accreditation brought to their organizations, share experience amongst the sectors.This summit meeting would be the synthesis of the WP outcomes. The outcome  and output would be very committed project promoters who could disseminate Erasmus Plan strategic thinking or/and evaluation and impact measurement skills on National TCAs.

The added value: commitment of participants, ensuring their role as national multiplicators. Involvment of NAs that would organize national TCAs. Building a network of committed Accredited organizations all over Europe which can help to build the European Education Area. 

WP7 synthesis report (recommendation, collection of good practices, preparing a base survey for a future potential Research Plan maybe in the new period to measure impact of  Accreditation etc.) coming from WP6 activity the  Planned output is a synthesis report with recommendations. 
WP8 dissemination - National multiplication TCAs on Accreditation strategic approach and implementation quality, impact measurement. With the involvement of NAs that would organize national TCAs, using the participants/beneficiaries  and national experts of WP2-3-4-5-6 as multiplicators for sharing good practices.  

Please refer to the Padlet Platform of the LTA cooperation.
Expected results:

Each type of WP has its own planned outcomes, detailed above. The outcomes of the overall LTA as it follows:

  • stronger collaboration of NAs while organizing their own TCAs in the same Accreditation topic
  • TCAs within the LTA use all materials available on TEAMS, partners can turn for support to each other.
  • synthesis report with recommendation, collection of good practices, and preparing a base survey for a future potential Research Plan maybe in the new period to measure impact of  Accreditation etc. 
  • For further information, please refer to the Padlet Platform of the LTA cooperation.
  • Materials for organising similar TCAs are shared below, for further info please contact the organiser NAs.
  • WP2 03 WP2 TCAs for newcomer project promoters TCA organiser NO01/MT01
  • WP3 04 WP3 TCAs for application evaluator experts  TCA organiser DK01/NL01

    WP4 05 WP4 TCAs for Accredited project coordinators TCA organiser SE01

Single Activities Connected to this Long-term Activity

Accreditation in Erasmus+ (SE, VET & AE)
Exchanging assessment experience of experts on accreditation proposals
Accredited Organisations - Long Term TCA Contact Seminar - Creating Cooperation for Accredited Organisations and Monitoring Strategies of Accredited Projects E+ Accreditation
Accreditation in Erasmus+
Creating Contacts and Cooperation between accredited organisations
Creating contacts for accredited organisations 3.0
Αccreditation in the field of Adult Education
Your accreditation in Nordic and Baltic countries - What has happened so far and what can we learn from each other?
Exchanging assessment experience of experts on accreditation final reports
LTA Accreditation - Summit
Consortium: Challenges and opportunities