Exchanging assessment experience of experts on accreditation final reports
Summary of TCA outcomes
This online TCA was a part of the LTA Accreditation. The TCA was a peer learning event for assessors and NA staff assessing accreditation final reports (KA121).
The aim of the online TCA was to discuss experience and dilemmas regarding Erasmus Accreditation final reports. The TCA aimed at reaching a common ground on how to assess Erasmus Accreditation final report and modular reporting, e.g. Erasmus quality standard reports, Erasmus Plan progress reports, Erasmus Plan update.
The online TCA included presentations from e.g. the EC, the European KA1 working group and an overview of the LTA Accreditaion as well as a hands on training session with the assessment of an example report.
We had 34 participants from 17 countries.
Webinar participants
- gained knowledge about how to assess KA121 final reports.
- were introduced to an example final report
- were connected to assessors in other program countries to discuss experience and dilemmas
After the seminar, we asked our participants to evaluate the TCA. In general, the participants were very satisfied with the event and thought it was helpful and relevant for their job. There was a clear wish that NAs offer similar TCAs in the future where experts can exchange experiences and receive information on the latest developments in the field.
Types of outcomes
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