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Climate, environment and sustainability: work with children between 1 and 9 years

Main Info

Environment and fight against climate change (2021-27)
Type of presence:
Venue country:
Venue city:
Working language:
Key Action:
TCA documents:
E+ Academy:
Start date:
End date:
newcomersmobilitysustainabilitynetworkingstrategic partnership

TCA Description

Themes and goals:

Themes and goals of the event:

·         Presentation of the Norwegian education system with focus on the youngest children in education

·         Inspire and give new ideas to enhance the work with sustainability in kindergartens and schools

·         Discussion of the situation of sustainability in education in the participating countries

·         Study-visit to one kindergarten or one primary schools working actively with sustainability in education

·         Reflection on impact (possible use of Impact+ tool)

·         How to write a KA210-proposal

·         eTwinning

Expected results:

Expected results:


·         Discussions and focus on the topic “sustainability” in kindergartens and primary schools (lowest grades)

·         Networking and sharing experience

·         Inspiration for the future work and European projects on the topic

·         Starting cooperation that will lead to applying for KA210-funding in October 2022 

·         Our primary goal is that, by the end of the seminar, every participant has found a KA210-partner on the subject

·         Our secondary goal is to host at least 50% of newcomers to Erasmus+

·         Our third goal is that at least 12 partnerships emerge from the seminar

Additional information:

Profile of participants: The seminar is open to participants within the fields of school education. The seminar is mainly targeted at teachers, leaders and others working with children in pre-primary and lower primary school (age 1-9), who are interested in learning how to start a small scale partnership in Erasmus+. Thus, the institutions they represent are interested in engaging in a KA210 Partnership.
“Other working with children” might be librarians (both school librarians and staff of public libraries), music/art schools, NGOs, etc.

Participants should have good command of English.

Participants should have no or little experience in Erasmus+ (ex. They can only have been coordinator once and/or only have been in 3 partnerships).

Partners and participants

Organiser NA:
NO01 - Norwegian Directorate for Higher Education and Skills
Number of participants:
Participants per country:
4 - Any
Target group:
Erasmus+ Programme experience level:
Profile of participants:

Profile of participants: The seminar is open to participants within the fields of school education. The seminar is mainly targeted at teachers, leaders and others working with children in pre-primary and lower primary school (age 1-9), who are interested in learning how to start a small scale partnership in Erasmus+. Thus, the institutions they represent are interested in engaging in a KA210 Partnership.
“Other working with children” might be librarians (both school librarians and staff of public libraries), music/art schools, NGOs, etc.

Participants should have good command of English.

Participants should have no or little experience in Erasmus+ (ex. They can only have been coordinator once and/or only have been in 3 partnerships).


Pending booked places

Accepted places

Sending partner(s):
AT01 - 2 CY01 - 2 CZ01 - 2 DK01 - 3 ES01 - 4 FI01 - 2 HR01 - 2 HU01 - 2 LT01 - 3 LV01 - 3 NO01 - 10 PL01 - 3 SI01 - 2 SK01 - 1 SE01 - 3
Pending booked places:
Accepted places:

TCA Participant Application

Start date of TCA Participant Application:
Application deadline:
Confirmation deadline for Sending NAs:
Confirmation deadline for Organiser NAs: