Centralised actions addressed to higher education – good but too rarely used tool for the enhancement of the internationalisation strategies of HEIs
Main Info
TCA Description
This TCA is organized as a contact seminar for higher education centralised projects.
HEIs representatives submitting applications to Erasmus+ often present insufficient awareness on Erasmus+ centralized actions and on how to prepare coherent proposals in terms of needs analyzes, formulating goals, activities, results and adequacy to Erasmus+ specific action’s type and priorities.
Responding to this diagnosis a goal of the event is to support HEIs representatives in professionalization of their knowledge and skills on how to plan, prepare and implement the higher education centralized project. During the seminar the following types of centralized actions will be presented and possibilities to find partners interested to a proposal will be offered:
· Erasmus Mundus Actions;
· Alliances for Innovation;
· Capacity Building in Higher Education;
· Jean Monnet Actions.
Seminar will be prepared in cooperation with 1-2 NAs (if we find interested co-organisers). NAs will be supported by trainers, who have experience in planning and realizing international projects. Participants will work in teams on the possible project’s ideas. Participants will be selected to respective groups on the basis of information provided in the questionnaire to be filed before the seminar.
Our aim is to increase number of good quality Erasmus+ centralised projects which will be submitted to the Executive Agency in 2023 and further.
· Participants will broaden their knowledge on centralised actions available in the higher education sector.
· Participants will broaden their knowledge on project management technics.
· Participants will find potential partners for projects and establish timeline for next steps of their common work on projects proposals.
We are looking for 1-2 NAs interested to contribute to the content of the event. We are not going to ask for financial contribution for expenses to be covered for the seminar. Costs linked to travel of participants selected for the seminar will be reimbursed (if applicable) by respective sending NAs.
Partners and participants
HEIs staff members who are potential leaders of Higher Education centralised projects: academic teachers, members of university units helping academic staff with preparation and implementation of transnational educational projects.
Pending booked places
Accepted places