First Step First

Main Info
Inclusion and Diversity (2021-27)
Type of presence:
Venue country:
Venue city:
Working language:
Key Action:
TCA documents:
E+ Academy:
Start date:
End date:
TCA Description
Themes and goals:
Have you heard about Erasmus+, about international learning experiences and exchange of best practices, but never had the courage to enter this world?
No worries, we've all been there!
This training course is for you if you represent a small organisation in the field of school, VET (vocational education) or adult education, and are addressing inclusive activities or working with vulnerable target groups.
Topics to be covered:
• Information on the Erasmus+ programme in general, and Small-Scale Partnerships (SSP)*, in particular;
• The relevance of an Erasmus+ project in your organization and community;
• How and where to find partners;
• Structure of a project;
• Elements of project management;
• Specific activities within an Erasmus+ project;
• Budget- this "scary" topic
• Results and impact
• Elements of follow-up;
• Work on the application form.
* Here you can see a brief description of the programme, including short info about SSP.
Expected results:
The aim of the training course is to provide a safe space for inexperienced organizations to find out more about Erasmus+ Programme, to create a suitable framework for interaction with peer professionals, but mostly to give participants the opportunity to receive adapted support in writing a Small-scale partnership project proposal.
The design of the event includes conceptual clarifications, group work sessions, theoretical presentations, individual work, and also group discussions and/or clarification of specific questions. In this process, all the participants will be accompanied by well-trained trainers with extensive experience in implementing Erasmus+ projects.
!Even more, each participant will receive online one-to-one coaching and feedback sessions after the training course, before the deadlines of submitting projects.
Additional information:
Good to know in terms of Logistics
The arrival of the participants: August, 29
3 Activity Days: August 30, 31, and 1st of September
The departure of the participants: September, 2
RO NA will cover costs for training, accommodation in single rooms, lunches on August 30, 31, and 1st of September, dinners on August 29, 30, 31, and 1st of September, 2 coffee breaks/day
3 weekly online follow-up activities hosted by NA staff and trainers
Partners and participants
Organiser NA:
RO01 - Agentia Nationala pentru Programe Comunitare in Domeniul Educatiei si Formarii Profesionale
Number of participants:
Target group:
Erasmus+ Programme experience level:
Profile of participants:
This training course is for you if you represent a new to the programme or a small organisation willing to:
- Make the step towards Erasmus+ opportunities;
- To share/learn/share good practice at European level in the field of your activity;
- Network and develop activities jointly with the project partner(s);
- Address/resolve institutional educational needs in a collaborative manner;
- Submit a Small-Scale Partnership projects.
Eg. Teachers, principals, project managers, VET and adult practitioners- representing organizations without previous Erasmus+ experience
Pending booked places
Accepted places
Sending partner(s):
AT01 - 2
CY01 - 2
CZ01 - 5
DE02 - 2
DE03 - 3
DK01 - 3
EE01 - 2
EL01 - 10
IT02 - 5
MT01 - 5
NL01 - 2
NO01 - 3
PL01 - 3
SI01 - 3
MK01 - 3
PT01 - 3
SE01 - 2
TR01 - 4
IT01 - 5
RS01 - 5
Pending booked places:
Accepted places:
TCA Participant Application
Start date of TCA Participant Application:
Application deadline:
Confirmation deadline for Sending NAs:
Confirmation deadline for Organiser NAs:
Long-term Activity Info
Inclusion for newcomers
RO01 - Agentia Nationala pentru Programe Comunitare in Domeniul Educatiei si Formarii Profesionale
Inclusion and Diversity (2021-27)
Czech Republic Greece Italy Romania Serbia
Working language:
Start date:
End date:
Rationale and background:
In 2021, EC launched the cross-sectoral Strategy for Inclusion and Diversity, based on the Implementation guidelines Erasmus+ and European Solidarity Corps Inclusion and Diversity Strategy.
In this context, each NA created its own national strategy or action plan, adapted to its own national realities.
Starting from this, RO NA proposes the LTA addressing inclusion for newcomers from E&T sectors (SE, VET, AE).
The very first series of events will focus on preparing the participants to be able to develop qualitative small-scale partnerships (KA2) projects, addressing newcomers and small and less experienced organizations addressing inclusion and/or working with vulnerable target groups.
In this line, for each event we expect to have on board participants with none or minimum developed project management skills in order to go through the process of project cycle management and as well to understand and internalize the inclusiveness of their future Erasmus+ project.
In most cases, each of NA could use TCA - both regular activities and LTAs- as main tool to foster inclusion at national level, in an international context.
The next phases will also tackle Short-term projects for mobilities.
Different national realities within LTA partners.
Planned Activities:
May - August
National mapping of newcomers or less experienced organizations
Promotion of general aspects about Erasmus+ and the 2 KAs managed by NAs
Promotion of international event to be hosted by RO NA
September 2022
International TC with contact seminar elements on writing small-scale partnerships
3 online support coach and mentoring sessions prior October's deadline. June 2023
International TC with contact seminar elements on writing small-scale partnerships in Greece
2023 and 2024 similar TCs for Short-term projects for mobilities and small-scale partnerships.
Expected results:
Promotion of Erasmus+ programme as a tool for inclusion among E&T organizations;
Increased quality of future projects coming from small organization with no experience in Erasmus+;
Providing the space and context for networking between participants to share ideas and inclusive approaches, to find answers and solutions to the same needs, to find partners for future initiatives and projects.
Single Activities Connected to this Long-term Activity
First Step First
Small Scale Projects on Inclusion and Diversity for Newcomers
Inclusion across Europe
InclusivE+ mobilities
Networking to promote inclusion and diversity in the VET sector of the Erasmus+ Programme
International TCA for newcomers in Erasmus+