Peer-learning seminar – Staff Training Mobility in Higher Education
Main Info
Professionalisation of teachers and staff (2014-20)
Type of presence:
Venue country:
Venue city:
Working language:
Key Action:
Not applicable
TCA documents:
E+ Academy:
Start date:
End date:
TCA Description
Themes and goals:
Cross-border mobility of university staff is being perceived as an increasingly important value over the past years. Ongoing international discussions demonstrate the need for structured and strategic approaches towards this topic. The professional development of both teaching and non-teaching staff is essential to the success of internationalisation processes at the universities and can contribute towards integrating non-mobile groups of students as part of ‘internationalisation at home’ concepts.
Staff mobility for teaching purposes is (decentralised) part of the Erasmus programme since 2000 whereas staff training opportunities started to be funded from 2007. As a consequence of the continuous growth of staff mobility the need for a strategic approach to the quality of mobility has increasingly gained relevance. .
In line with the described overarching targets, the Austrian mobility strategy for higher education contains a dedicated focus on mobility of staff.
Career development structures can significantly benefit from an interface with the strategic alignment of international activities. Therefore this TCA will focus on staff training opportunities with a particular focus on linking internationalization strategies of higher education institutions with human resource development.
Expected results:
The aim of the seminar is to identify and share good practices through exchanging various European experts views and approaches. This should give the participants inspiration and new ideas and lead to the implementation of measures for better use of the Erasmus+ staff training activity within the participating institutions. The focus lies on non-academic and administrative staff and the links with HR development strategies in higher education.
Besides this the seminar should contribute towards the re-development of the Austrian higher education mobility strategy.
Additional information:
indicative timetable:
18.9. Arrival, icebreaking activity and dinner
19.9. Full day working programme followed by a cultural activity and dinner
20.9. Half day working programme, departure
Partners and participants
Organiser NA:
AT01 - OeAD nationale Agentur für Erasmus+
Number of participants:
Target group:
Erasmus+ Programme experience level:
Profile of participants:
The event is open to participants within the fields of higher education. The target group of the seminar is HEI staff responsible for staff development (e.g. Vice-Rectors for Staff Affairs, heads of HR departments).
Pending booked places
Accepted places
Sending partner(s):
BE02 - 2
DE01 - 5
EE01 - 5
EL01 - 2
HR01 - 2
HU01 - 2
LU01 - 1
LV01 - 2
NL01 - 1
SK01 - 1
PT01 - 2
SE01 - 2
Pending booked places:
Accepted places:
TCA Participant Application
Start date of TCA Participant Application:
Application deadline:
Confirmation deadline for Sending NAs:
Confirmation deadline for Organiser NAs: