Implementation of policies and strengthening regional co-operation in terms of GREEN BALKANS with a view to quality implementation of green policies
Main Info
TCA Description
Title: Implementation of policies and strengthening regional co-operation in terms of GREEN BALKANS with a view to quality implementation of green policies.
Subtopics: sustainability, capacity building, networking, teaching, study, project management.
Format : thematic seminar with networking activities
Themes and goals: The Green Balkans seminar has a goal to strengthen the bilateral cooperation between NA"s from North Macedonia and Bulgaria through the promotion of the Green Erasmus environmental sustainability of the Erasmus+ Program as part of the EY of Skills.
This seminar will have the opportunity to introduce the participants to the existing eco-initiatives and projects as part of the program, as well as to create a space for discussion on the topic of green jobs and the connection of education with the labor market. In addition to this participants will have the chance to learn more about the best practices of Green Erasmus in North Macedonia and Bulgaria.
Participants will work in groups, implement activities through examples and present expected results.
Expected results::
Advanced bilateral cooperation between North Macedonia and Bulgaria through joint discussion on the Green Erasmus project, exchanging knowledge on green practices and raising awareness of Green policies and Green job positions
The seminar will offer networking opportunities for staff (SCH & VET) to find partners and initiate new projects (mobility projects (KA1), cooperation projects (KA2),
Additional information:
Getting to know the different climate challenges that countries are dealing with, but also creating a response to them, is a great start to raising the issue of sustainability. Hence, this seminar creates a space for getting to know the various eco-initiatives and projects that exist and whose goal is to advance the work in the field of sustainability and a healthy environment, further by sharing the best practices in each of the countries we aim to create a motivating atmosphere for the participation and their adaptation of what they have learned in their daily work.
The Macedonian NA covers accommodation for 2 nights (06.04 check-in; 08.04. check-out).
Participants will be accommodated in single rooms.
Partners and participants
Teachers and school staff who implement green
activities and policies, with experience in the Erasmus+ program with the aim
of expanding the quality and scope of the implementation of activities.
Pending booked places
Accepted places