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Digital literacy in teaching, learning and the administration of the Erasmus+ Programme

Main Info

Digital transformation (2021-27)
Type of presence:
Venue country:
Venue city:
Working language:
Key Action:
Not applicable
TCA documents:
E+ Academy:
Start date:
End date:
networkingteachinginteractive21st century

TCA Description

Themes and goals:

Registration is open! Please have your participants register via the following link: DAAD Events (

After clicking on the link, the participants must create an account on our NA Event App and there they can fill out the online application form. 

Please have them register by Friday, 22 April 2022.

An updated version of the programme has also been uploaded here.


The Germany National Agency for Higher Education Cooperation (NA DAAD, DE01) is happy to announce our virtual TCA on digitalization entitled "Digital literacy in teaching, learning and the administration of the Erasmus+ Programme ". It will focus solely on the higher education sector and will take place from 12 to 13 May 2022.

This event seeks to expand on the results of the NA DAAD's previous TCA in November 2020 "Erasmus+ Projects: Teaching and learning in a digital age".

This two-day conference will address two different target groups:

Day one will cover digital literacy in higher education administration focusing on KA1 and targeting university and departmental coordinators, International Office staff, Erasmus coordinators and administrative staff.

Day two will address digital literacy in learning and teaching focusing on all funding lines in KA2 and KA3 and targeting project coordinators, newcomers, and professional experts. This refers to Cooperation Partnerships, Erasmus Mundus, Capacity Building, European Universities, Innovation Alliances, Forward looking projects, Social Inclusion projects, European Experimental Measures, Teacher Academies and Jean Monnet Activities.

Expected results:

This event will seek to define and to develop approaches and strategies for digital literacy and digital competences through discussions, workshops, networking and matchmaking.

Additional information:

Partners and participants

Organiser NA:
DE01 - Nationale Agentur für EU-Hochschulzusammenarbeit im Deutschen Akademischen Austauschdienst
Number of participants:
Target group:
Erasmus+ Programme experience level:
Profile of participants:

Day one will cover digital literacy in higher education administration focusing on KA1 and targeting university and departmental coordinators, International Office staff, Erasmus coordinators and administrative staff.

Day two will address digital literacy learning and teaching focusing on all funding lines in KA2 and KA3 and targeting project coordinators, newcomers, and professional experts.


Pending booked places

Accepted places

Sending partner(s):
EE01 - 5 FI01 - 10 LU01 - 3 LV01 - 10 NL01 - 10 PT01 - 10 TR01 - 10 IE02 - 10 RS01 - 2
Pending booked places:
Accepted places:

TCA Participant Application

Start date of TCA Participant Application:
Application deadline:
Confirmation deadline for Sending NAs:
Confirmation deadline for Organiser NAs: