“Civic participation and EU values. Make Europe shine!”

Main Info
TCA Description
Main objectives of the TCA are:
o Exchange national and international good practices on civic participation (horizontal priority of the Erasmus+ 2021-2027 programme);
o Establish a network of educational actors promoting civic participation and democratic life;
o Develop and strengthen key recommendations on civic participation in order to generate possibilities for dialogue and interaction among participants;
o Provide participants with communication and dissemination tools for the promotion of common European values and the opportunities of the Erasmus+ programme, in order to enable them to develop their role as "Erasmus+ ambassadors".
o To inform about the European Parliament 2024 elections and to encourage participation in communication and dissemination campaigns.
To be filled soon
To be filled soon
Partners and participants
o Indivuduals, institutions or organisations linked to the field of education and training;
o Participation in projects and mobilities of the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union during the last years, both of students, teachers or trainers who have participated in or coordinated Erasmus+ mobility projects (KA1) and/or cooperation partnership projects or strategic partnerships (KA2);
o Experience in participating in Erasmus+ activities, campaigns and conferences where personal stories and testimonies are reflected;
o Communication skills to disseminate the opportunities of the Erasmus+ Programme and to foster a sense of European citizenship;
o Organisation of communication and dissemination activities in projects and during Erasmus+ mobilities (website; social networks; presentations at conferences and events; coordination of Erasmus+ teams; etc.);
o Have received some kind of recognition for their outstanding participation in Erasmus+ or belong to a European network or initiative that promotes the feeling of European citizenship and where the life experiences and achievements of participating in the Programme are disseminated: being a member of ESN Spain, being a Europrendiz or role model, being a member of the National VET Team Spain, eTwinning ambassador; having participated in projects recognised as good practice, etc..;
o Candidates belonging to different educational sectors and levels or stages, types of educational centres (CEIP, IES, EOI, CEPA, CEP, CIFP...) and with profiles of both students and teachers that reflect the Spanish regional diversity (inclusion and diversity, outermost region, more rural regions or areas, etc.).
o For teachers, it will also be taken into account that they hold or have held relevant positions in the educational context: school management teams, cycle coordinators, heads of department, coordinator of European projects in the school, training advisors in teacher training centres, technical teaching advisors in the provincial, regional or national administration, teachers abroad, associate professors at universities, etc.
o Other specific requirements considered necessary for participation in this activity (experience in Erasmus+, specialisation in a specific subject, dissemination and exploitation of results...).
Pending booked places
Accepted places
TCA Participant Application
Long-term Activity Info
More specifically the challenges are
To unify the networks of Ambassadors, Alumni and Role Models between different countries to create an extensive organisation of People committed to carry the messages of the European Commission and create a sense of civic belonging to Europe.
To create stable relations with the Institutions on the territory, to collaborate in promoting and organising activities on the territories to consolidate and direct the civic engagement.
To create a structure of national Observatories that can periodically measure, by means of indicators, the improvements on the themes promoted by the European Commission (internationalisation, civic engagement, inclusion, green, digital, etc.) to identify the critical areas and design, together possible corrective actions.
To define a program of events to be repeated periodically on the territory. Starting in Italy at regional level, involving institutions, networks of Ambassadors, Alumni and Role Models and targeting teachers, territories and citizens.
To organize international events in which Alumni/Ambassadors meet and create multi-country groups to go and meet students and teachers together, bringing a message of common intent and union of cultures and races.
To foster synergies between funds in order to increase the number of mobilities and projects granted, and to promote civic participation in European life.
More specifically the goals are:
To unify the networks of Ambassadors, Alumni and Role Models between different countries to create an extensive organisation of People committed to carry the messages of the European Commission and create a sense of civic belonging to Europe.
To create stable relations with the Institutions on the territory, to collaborate in promoting and organising activities on the territories to consolidate and direct the civic engagement.
To create a structure of national Observatories that can periodically measure, by means of indicators, the improvements on the themes promoted by the European Commission (internationalisation, civic engagement, inclusion, green, digital, etc.) to identify the critical areas and design, together possible corrective actions.
To define a program of events to be repeated periodically on the territory. Starting in Italy at regional level, involving institutions, networks of Ambassadors, Alumni and Role Models and targeting teachers, territories and citizens.
To organize international events in which Alumni/Ambassadors meet and create multi-country groups to go and meet students and teachers together, bringing a message of common intent and union of cultures and races.
To foster synergies between funds in order to increase the number of mobilities and projects granted, and to promote civic participation in European life.