Thematic seminar on Democratic Participation with the focus on Tools for SCH and VET organisations and a combination with study visits

Main Info
TCA Description
Democratic participation is one of the four transversal priorities of the E+ programme. This thematic seminar, with a focus on study visits and the sharing of tools, aims at how to bring democratic participation into the classroom.
Main goals:
- To better understand the priority democratic participation
- To get to know tools and practices on how to bring “EU-values” into the classroom
- To learn from good practices via study visits
- To learn from good practices via presentations
- To get to know new ready-to-use tools on democratic participation
- To foster democratic participation in new applications or ongoing projects by the use of different means
- To network between different participants (newcomers and experienced) and stakeholders
- To learn how to think critically and how to translate this into classroom material and project material
Better and clearer understanding of the priority democratic participation and how to foster this in the classroom and in E+ projects.
BE02 covers accommodation for 2 nights in the Marriott Ghent Hotel where the event will take place, including all workshops, activities and meals.
Start: 02/10/2024 at 13h30 (lunch not included).
End: 04/10/2024 at 14h00 (lunch included).
We kindly ask you to organize your travel arrangements accordingly to avoid arriving after the start of the TCA and leaving before the end. Any extra nights must be booked and paid separately by the participants and will not be covered by BE02.
We ask all participants (also the NA staff) to register via the SALTO platform.
We ask the NAs to also create a reserve list in case of withdrawals and/or cancellations.
BE02 strives to be as inclusive as possible.
Partners and participants
Newcomers, applicants, beneficiaries in the sectors of SCH/VET
Pending booked places
Accepted places
TCA Participant Application
Long-term Activity Info
More specifically the challenges are
To unify the networks of Ambassadors, Alumni and Role Models between different countries to create an extensive organisation of People committed to carry the messages of the European Commission and create a sense of civic belonging to Europe.
To create stable relations with the Institutions on the territory, to collaborate in promoting and organising activities on the territories to consolidate and direct the civic engagement.
To create a structure of national Observatories that can periodically measure, by means of indicators, the improvements on the themes promoted by the European Commission (internationalisation, civic engagement, inclusion, green, digital, etc.) to identify the critical areas and design, together possible corrective actions.
To define a program of events to be repeated periodically on the territory. Starting in Italy at regional level, involving institutions, networks of Ambassadors, Alumni and Role Models and targeting teachers, territories and citizens.
To organize international events in which Alumni/Ambassadors meet and create multi-country groups to go and meet students and teachers together, bringing a message of common intent and union of cultures and races.
To foster synergies between funds in order to increase the number of mobilities and projects granted, and to promote civic participation in European life.
More specifically the goals are:
To unify the networks of Ambassadors, Alumni and Role Models between different countries to create an extensive organisation of People committed to carry the messages of the European Commission and create a sense of civic belonging to Europe.
To create stable relations with the Institutions on the territory, to collaborate in promoting and organising activities on the territories to consolidate and direct the civic engagement.
To create a structure of national Observatories that can periodically measure, by means of indicators, the improvements on the themes promoted by the European Commission (internationalisation, civic engagement, inclusion, green, digital, etc.) to identify the critical areas and design, together possible corrective actions.
To define a program of events to be repeated periodically on the territory. Starting in Italy at regional level, involving institutions, networks of Ambassadors, Alumni and Role Models and targeting teachers, territories and citizens.
To organize international events in which Alumni/Ambassadors meet and create multi-country groups to go and meet students and teachers together, bringing a message of common intent and union of cultures and races.
To foster synergies between funds in order to increase the number of mobilities and projects granted, and to promote civic participation in European life.