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Contact seminar – Group mobility of pupils for accredited schools related to participation in democratic life, common values and civic engagement

Part of a Long-term activity

Main Info

Participation in democratic life (2021-27)
Type of presence:
Venue country:
Venue city:
Working language:
Key Action:
TCA documents:
E+ Academy:
Start date:
End date:

TCA Description

Themes and goals:

The aim of this contact seminar is to provide representatives of secondary education (12-18 years) with an opportunity to develop ideas about group mobility of pupils related to the Erasmus+ priority “participation in democratic life, common values and civic engagement” and to find partners.

Expected results:

Broadening the network of partner schools for learning mobility in the context of the Erasmus accreditation in the field of school education.

Develop project ideas for group mobility of pupils (12-18 years) related to participation in democratic life, common values and civic engagement.

Additional information:

We expect 10 Flemish participants and 30 European participants. The venue is within easy reach (less than 30 minutes by train) from Brussels airport.

Deadline for booking places: 15th August 2023.

Partners and participants

Organiser NA:
BE02 - EPOS vzw
Number of participants:
Target group:
Erasmus+ Programme experience level:
Profile of participants:

representatives of accredited secondary schools (12-18 years) in the field of school education who are interested in setting up group mobilities for pupils


Pending booked places

Accepted places

Sending partner(s):
AT01 - 2 BE01 - 3 CY01 - 1 DE03 - 3 DK01 - 4 EE01 - 2 IE01 - 1 IT02 - 4 MT01 - 2 NL01 - 4 PL01 - 2 RO01 - 2 SK01 - 3 SE01 - 3
Pending booked places:
Accepted places:

TCA Participant Application

Start date of TCA Participant Application:
Application deadline:
Confirmation deadline for Sending NAs:
Confirmation deadline for Organiser NAs:

Long-term Activity Info

IT02 - Agenzia Nazionale Erasmus + - INDIRE
Participation in democratic life (2021-27)
EU policy raising awareness E+ role models
Belgium Czech Republic France Germany Latvia Luxembourg Portugal Romania Spain Sweden
Working language:
Start date:
End date:

Rationale and background:
The results of this LTA could be really important and effective, such as:
Reinforcing European identity and sense of belonging, through the means of civic engagement dissemination activities;
Creating synergies among networks of Erasmus Alumni/Ambassadors to improve communication about Erasmus+;
Spreading European opportunities with citizens;
Encouraging newcomer’s participation through real life Erasmus experiences;
Raising awareness among the network of the challenges of the European Union and the active role of EU citizenship in green & digital transition and social inclusion.


More specifically the challenges are

To unify the networks of Ambassadors, Alumni and Role Models between different countries to create an extensive organisation of People committed to carry the messages of the European Commission and create a sense of civic belonging to Europe.

To create stable relations with the Institutions on the territory, to collaborate in promoting and organising activities on the territories to consolidate and direct the civic engagement.

To create a structure of national Observatories that can periodically measure, by means of indicators, the improvements on the themes promoted by the European Commission (internationalisation, civic engagement, inclusion, green, digital, etc.) to identify the critical areas and design, together possible corrective actions.

To define a program of events to be repeated periodically on the territory. Starting in Italy at regional level, involving institutions, networks of Ambassadors, Alumni and Role Models and targeting teachers, territories and citizens.

To organize international events in which Alumni/Ambassadors meet and create multi-country groups to go and meet students and teachers together, bringing a message of common intent and union of cultures and races.

To foster synergies between funds in order to increase the number of mobilities and projects granted, and to promote civic participation in European life.

Planned Activities:
Next week the final event of the TCA-Role Model will take places in Florence. The TCA has started the works for the constitution of the Role Model network, developing tools and methodologies for its constitution and management.
Moreover in September 2022 the Italian NA will organize a National event and in December 2022 an International event.
In 2023 an International TCA will be organized by the Swedish NA and by the French one.
In 2024 the Spanish NA (SEPIE) will organize an event and Italy will plan a dissemination event in december 2024.

Expected results:

More specifically the goals are:

To unify the networks of Ambassadors, Alumni and Role Models between different countries to create an extensive organisation of People committed to carry the messages of the European Commission and create a sense of civic belonging to Europe.

To create stable relations with the Institutions on the territory, to collaborate in promoting and organising activities on the territories to consolidate and direct the civic engagement.

To create a structure of national Observatories that can periodically measure, by means of indicators, the improvements on the themes promoted by the European Commission (internationalisation, civic engagement, inclusion, green, digital, etc.) to identify the critical areas and design, together possible corrective actions.

To define a program of events to be repeated periodically on the territory. Starting in Italy at regional level, involving institutions, networks of Ambassadors, Alumni and Role Models and targeting teachers, territories and citizens.

To organize international events in which Alumni/Ambassadors meet and create multi-country groups to go and meet students and teachers together, bringing a message of common intent and union of cultures and races.

To foster synergies between funds in order to increase the number of mobilities and projects granted, and to promote civic participation in European life.

Single Activities Connected to this Long-term Activity

Erasmus+ contribution to European civic participation
Participation in civic engagement 2.0, Sweden
Erasmus+: supporting active citizenship in Europe !
Contact seminar – Group mobility of pupils for accredited schools related to participation in democratic life, common values and civic engagement
Ambassadeurs Erasmus+
“Civic participation and EU values. Make Europe shine!”
Thematic seminar on Democratic Participation with the focus on Tools for SCH and VET organisations and a combination with study visits