Participation in civic engagement 2.0, Sweden

Main Info
TCA Description
This activity is linked to LT TCA "PEACE", coordinated by Italy. In December a training programme on civic engagement and active participation was started. The aim of PEACE is to set the start of a durable collaboration between the different agencies involved in the LTA project.
This conference will go further into the” round table discussions" of PEACE in December. In Malmö there will also be occasions to share national and international best practices on the theme of civic engagement, to look at the management of the actors supporting work within civic engagement and democratic life, one of the four horizontal priorities from EU for Erasmus+ 2021-2027.
The activity in Malmö will strengthen and develop the set key-recommendations on the theme to create possibilities for further dialogue and development within the theme. Focus will be put on the work with Erasmus+ ambassadors and Erasmus+ Role Models and the impact of these activities for participation in democratic life. The program in Malmö will combine keynotes, carousel working, group activities and study visits to organizations working on the theme. This to continue the enlightening of the opportunities Europe can give, opportunities linked to participation in democratic life and active citizenship.
The importance of having ambassadors and Role Models, sharing best practise, in all the educational sectors is a goal for this activity. The TCA also aims at showing the possibilty of international projects on the theme of participation in democratic life and active citizenship.
The goals of this LT are to reinforce European identity and sense of belonging, through the means of civic engagement dissemination activities;
To unify the networks of Ambassadors, Alumni and Role Models between different countries to create an extensive organisation of people committed to carry out the messages of the European Commission and create a sense of civic belonging to Europe.
To define a program of events to be repeated periodically on the territory. Starting in Italy at regional level, involving institutions, networks of Ambassadors, Alumni and Role Models and targeting teachers, territories and citizens. Continuing in Italy (December 2022), continuing in Sweden (October 2023), continuing in France (November 2023), Spain spring 2024 and Portugal 2024.
To organize international events in which Alumni/Ambassadors meet and create multi-country groups to go and meet students and teachers together, bringing a message of common intent and union of cultures and races.
And the main challenge: to make people understand what participation in democratic life is and what it means, in the long run. What is civic engagement? How to participate in democratic life?
The seminar will start on Sunday evening, the 1st of October at 18 pm with registration from 17 pm. Registration will be followed by a mingle activity and a dinner.
Travels must be prepared accordingly.
Participants are not allowed to leave to conference before it finishes on Wednesday the 4th at lunch (13 pm).
Travels must be prepared accordingly even here.
Study visits to different organisations are in the programme.
Partners and participants
People working with civic engagement for students, for adult learners, within vocational education and training, for civic society. Also ESN, IRO-officers, headmasters, teachers, project managers, counsellors, internship leaders, tutors, WBL supervisors, Erasmus+ ambassadors.
Pending booked places
Accepted places
TCA Participant Application
Long-term Activity Info
More specifically the challenges are
To unify the networks of Ambassadors, Alumni and Role Models between different countries to create an extensive organisation of People committed to carry the messages of the European Commission and create a sense of civic belonging to Europe.
To create stable relations with the Institutions on the territory, to collaborate in promoting and organising activities on the territories to consolidate and direct the civic engagement.
To create a structure of national Observatories that can periodically measure, by means of indicators, the improvements on the themes promoted by the European Commission (internationalisation, civic engagement, inclusion, green, digital, etc.) to identify the critical areas and design, together possible corrective actions.
To define a program of events to be repeated periodically on the territory. Starting in Italy at regional level, involving institutions, networks of Ambassadors, Alumni and Role Models and targeting teachers, territories and citizens.
To organize international events in which Alumni/Ambassadors meet and create multi-country groups to go and meet students and teachers together, bringing a message of common intent and union of cultures and races.
To foster synergies between funds in order to increase the number of mobilities and projects granted, and to promote civic participation in European life.
More specifically the goals are:
To unify the networks of Ambassadors, Alumni and Role Models between different countries to create an extensive organisation of People committed to carry the messages of the European Commission and create a sense of civic belonging to Europe.
To create stable relations with the Institutions on the territory, to collaborate in promoting and organising activities on the territories to consolidate and direct the civic engagement.
To create a structure of national Observatories that can periodically measure, by means of indicators, the improvements on the themes promoted by the European Commission (internationalisation, civic engagement, inclusion, green, digital, etc.) to identify the critical areas and design, together possible corrective actions.
To define a program of events to be repeated periodically on the territory. Starting in Italy at regional level, involving institutions, networks of Ambassadors, Alumni and Role Models and targeting teachers, territories and citizens.
To organize international events in which Alumni/Ambassadors meet and create multi-country groups to go and meet students and teachers together, bringing a message of common intent and union of cultures and races.
To foster synergies between funds in order to increase the number of mobilities and projects granted, and to promote civic participation in European life.