Participation in civic engagement 2.0, Sweden
Summary of TCA outcomes
This TCA was an activity within LTA PEACE with the aim of continue the work with the LTA PEACE and deepen the knowledge about civic engagement Focus was to strengthen and develop the set key-recommendations on the theme and to create possibilities for further dialogue and development regarding Erasmus+ ambassadors and Erasmus+ Role Models and the impact of these activities for participation in democratic life.
The event in Malmö combined keynotes, carousel working, group activities and study visits to continue shining the spotlight on the opportunities within Europe and Erasmus+; opportunities linked to participation in democratic life and active citizenship. This event also played a role in sharing national and international best practices on the theme of civic engagement and taking a look at the management of the actors supporting work within civic engagement and democratic life, one of the four horizontal priorities for Erasmus+ 2021-2027.
The TCA had 112 participants from 13 countries. The following sectors where represented: SE, HE, ADU and VET.
Types of outcomes
Explain your choice(s)
By engageing the participants to participate actively in multiple workshops, they where able to share their competence on the subject and get insights from each other. Both workshop-subjects, key-notes and study-visits had inclusion as a main subject. The overall goal to let participants network and talk to each-other was fulfilled as the evaluation indicates.