Impact+ Exercise for Projects in VET and AE
Main Info
TCA Description
Main purpose of the event with participants from Adult Education and Vocational Education and Training is to perform the Impact+ Exercise. This tool was developed by the United Kingdom Erasmus+ National Agency and the Slovenian Erasmus+ National Agency in 2016. It aims to support project coordinators to think about what the impact of their project could be and how to measure it, as well as to plan impact assessment activities.
During the event participants will become familiar with the different stages of the Impact+ Exercise: In a first step they identify project aims, outcomes and impacts. In a second step they explore indicators for outcomes and impacts. In a third step they explore data sources and concentrate on data collection. In the fourth and final step they bring all the findings together and identify stakeholders for impact.
In the TCA participants will split into small working groups and work on concrete project examples. Working language will be English.
This TCA is a pilot event in line with the idea of the Erasmus+ Academy. It is postponed from 2020.
The event will be implemented in an online format, covering three half days (Afternoon of first day and mornings of second and third day)
Partners and participants
Sectors: VET and Adult Education
This TCA targets project coordinators or staff members who are/will be involved in the impact assessment of the project.
Requirement: Applicants need to have an ongoing Erasmus+ project (preferably from 2020 application rounds)
Pending booked places
Accepted places