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Ecological & sustainable project Management in Erasmus+

Main Info

Increase the quality of programme implementation (2021-27)
Type of presence:
Venue country:
Venue city:
Working language:
Key Action:
Not applicable
TCA documents:
E+ Academy:
Start date:
End date:
newcomerssustainabilitynetworkinginteractiveproject management

TCA Description

Themes and goals:

Title: Ecological and Sustainable Project Management in Erasmus+

Additional theme: Training people to successfully manage Erasmus+ projects and to move towards ecological and sustainable project management, as well as supporting the development of cooperation between organisations from Europe to improve the implementation of the Erasmus+ programme in their country. 

Topics: Erasmus+ project life cycle & project management (PM) cycle, planning PM, project preparation, getting started, preparation of beneficiaries' partner contracts, PM supporting documents and tools, project implementation, transnational project meetings & virtual meetings, monitoring, quality assurance, european values, EUDPR/GDPR, mid-term evaluation & report, dissemination, multiplier events, project completion, preparation for EUC-checks, final report, project results platform. 

Format: Workshop / seminar with group work and networking activities. This seminar will cover impulse lessons and group work sessions with presentation. 

The overall aim of this TCA is to increase the quality in project management for the Erasmus+ programme and ensure that institutions and organisations from Europe actively engage in project management. This contact seminar has a cross-sectoral focus and invites the participation of current and future beneficiaries from School Education (SCH), Vocational Education and Training (VET), Adult Education (ADU), Higher Education (HED) and Youth (YOU) as well as the private sector. It further aims to promote all activities with a focus on mobility projects (KA1) and cooperation partnerships (KA2), provide support to potential beneficiaries in terms of successfull project management and to raise awareness for the implementation of an ecological and sustainable project management approach.

The TCA additionally provides a platform from which stakeholders from different educational sectors can connect, share experiences and establish networks within. The TCA is highly recommended for newcomers and less experienced applicants and for people who are interested in developing their project management skills to a top level.

Expected results:

From the participant’s perspective: Participants can learn about project management in Erasmus+ projects from both perspectives: as beneficiary and leading organisation in an Erasmus+ project, as well as participating organisation. They will go through the stages of project life cycle and the project management cycle, learn about tools, methods, documents used and gain awareness for the implementation of an ecological and sustainable project management approach, how to integrate european values and EUDPR/GDPR topics/tasks. At the end of the course, participants will have learnt the key elements required for successful, ecological and sustainable project management within Erasmus+.

Further output will be: Increased awareness of environmental and sustainable thinking and behaviour. A deeper understanding of the successful implementation of Erasmus+ projects, in particular with regard to timely planning and implementation of preparatory activities, risk assessment and management, active project control and implementation of quality assurance measures, the integration of european values and how to deal wieth EUDPR/GDPR topics. In addition, the exchange of good practices, documents, methods and tools between participants will be encouraged. Finally, cross-sectoral cooperation between ADU, SCH, VET, HE and YOU should be strengthened in order to potentially develop the basis for further exchange and cooperation.

From the organizing NA’s perspective: Complete course to cover the topic how to successfully manage an Erasmus+ project.

Additional information:

1. Welcome to LIECHTENSTEIN! The seminar will be held in the 3-star superior hotel kommod in Liechtenstein that impresses with its modern design, fine cuisine, central location and excellent service. Two restaurants and a bar provide for the physical well-being. You will stay at the same location from the evening of 12th May until after lunch on 15th May (nights, breakfasts, lunches and dinners will be all included, covered by the NALI01). All participants are expected to arrive on Monday 12th May (afternoon/evening) for a start of activities on Monday evening (dinner). The planned activities require the presence of all participants until Thursday 15th May 2025 (lunchtime). On the evening of 14th May 2025, a city tour and visit to the famous Liechtenstein National Museum and dinner in VADUZ is planned.

2. Travel to Liechtenstein: 

Arrival by bus (Liemobil): Get in and sit back. Your driver will take you safely to Ruggell: Line /Bus 31 or 36E or 37 (Schaan-Ruggell, Ruggell-Schaan) takes you to Ruggell all year round. All stops along the route are served (except line 36E). Further information: 

Arrival by train: Zurich – Sargans – Buchs/SG - Schaan (approx. 90 km) St. Gallen - St. Margrethen - Buchs/SG - Schaan (approx. 60 km) Frankfurt/Main - Basel - Zurich - Sargans - Buchs/SG - Schaan (540 km) Munich - Lindau - Bregenz - Feldkirch (approx. 230 km) Vienna - Innsbruck - Feldkirch (approx. 730 km)Innsbruck - Feldkirch (approx. 160 km) Bregenz - Feldkirch - (approx. 50 km)Paris - Basel - Zurich - Sargans - Buchs/SG - Schaan (approx. 720 km) 

From the railway stations: Buchs/SG / CH (12 km from Ruggell) and Feldkirch / A (9 km from Ruggell) there are good bus connections to all municipalities in the Principality of Liechtenstein.

Further information: Travel plan SBB: / Travel plan ÖBB: / Travel plan DB:

Arrival by car: Zurich - Sargans - Ruggell (approx. 110 km/ 1 1/2 hrs.) Geneva - Bern - Zurich - Sargans (N 13) - Ruggell (approx. 400 km / 4 1/2 hrs.) Munich - Bregenz - Feldkirch - Ruggell (approx. 250 km / 3 hrs.) Innsbruck - Feldkirch - Ruggell (approx. 170 km / 3 hrs.)Vienna - Salzburg - Innsbruck - Feldkirch - Ruggell (approx. 670 km / 8-9 hrs.)Milan - Chiasso - Beilinzona - San Bernardino (N 13) - Chur – Sargans - Ruggell (approx. 300 km/ 4 1/2 hrs.)Frankfurt a. Main - Basel - Zurich - Sargans - Ruggell (approx. 550km / 6 1/2 hrs.) Motorway junctions N 13: Balzers, Vaduz, Schaan, Bendern.

Sanitary constraints: no specific requirements. 

Meals and accommodation covered by NA LI01: 3 nights in a single room from 12th to 15th of May 2025; 3 breakfasts and 3 lunches on 13th, 14th and 15th May 2025; 3 dinners on 12th, 13th and 14th May 2025 (including city tour). Please note: arrival is expected on Monday 12th May 2025 evening; Apéro starts at 17:00, welcome at 18:00 and dinner at 18:30.

Partners and participants

Organiser NA:
LI01 - Agentur für Internationale Bildungsangelegenheiten AIBA
Number of participants:
Participants per country:
40 - Any 10 - Liechtenstein
Target group:
School leaders, directors Teachers Trainers Professors Volunteers Education professionals Experts Other support staff Students School authorities Policy makers Representatives of non-governmental institutions People with fewer opportunities (see glossary) Other
Erasmus+ Programme experience level:
Newcomers and Experienced beneficiaries
Profile of participants:

This TCA is highly recommended for newcomers and less experienced applicants, as well as for experienced people who are interested in developing their project management skills to a high level, especially in the field of environmental and sustainable project management and in the context of Erasmus+ projects.


Pending booked places

Accepted places

Sending partner(s):
AT01 - 2 BE02 - 2 DE01 - 2 DE02 - 1 DE03 - 1 EL01 - 4 ES01 - 2 FI01 - 2 LT01 - 2 LU01 - 2 MT01 - 1 NL01 - 2 PL01 - 1 SI01 - 2 SK01 - 2 BE03 - 2 LI01 - 12 SE01 - 2 TR01 - 3 IT01 - 2 DZ01 - 2
Pending booked places:
Accepted places:

TCA Participant Application

Start date of TCA Participant Application:
Application deadline:
Confirmation deadline for Sending NAs:
Confirmation deadline for Organiser NAs: