Inclusion ACAdemy training sessions final event
Main Info
TCA Description
Kicking off in September 2024, the Inclusion ACAdemy brought together over 50 experts, academics, and inclusion officers from across Europe through a series of five thematic webinars. These sessions covered vital topics, including the principles of inclusive mobility, support strategies, belonging and inclusive communication.
The final event will take place on 27 and 28 March 2025 in Tallin where the participants will converge to exchange ideas and solidify their networks.
Next to learning and networking opportunities, the participants will have a chance to work on action plans of concrete actions which they can implement in their institutions to increase the inclusiveness of their processes.
The information gathered from online events throughout the year will be put to practice and analyzed. Meeting face-to-face for sharing ideas and knowledge.
The event is closed for strictly participants from the Inclusion ACAdemy webinars that took place prior to the final event in 2024.
The partners of Inclusion ACAdemy were: Chech Republic, Estonia, Hungary.
March 26: Arrival day, formal dinner
March 27: Full day programme
March 28: Programme until lunch, final luch together, departure
Partners and participants
This TCA is open for specialists that participated in the Inclusion ACAdemy online training sessions on 2024.
Pending booked places
Accepted places