Skills and jobs mismatch
Main Info
Impact (2014-20)
Type of presence:
Venue country:
Republic of North Macedonia
Venue city:
Working language:
Key Action:
Not applicable
TCA documents:
E+ Academy:
Start date:
End date:
TCA Description
Themes and goals:
Themes and goals: This thematic workshop will be focused on bridging the gap between the world of work and world of education in order to merge skills and jobs mismatch. We invite beneficiaries from KA1 Adult/ VET (including charter holders) and KA2 beneficiaries, stakeholders from the field, entrepreneurs and employers, career consultants and other representatives (chamber of commerce, employment agencies etc.) to exchange ideas, share good practices, network and develop possible solutions. By this event, we would like to bring together all relevant stakeholders from the education, training and the world of work to explore and discuss the practices, policies and try to initiate cooperation resulting in concrete projects supporting stronger connections among all relevant sectors. The skills should follow easier pathways to responding jobs.
The demand for skilled labour has been increasing. Tasks requiring high skills have become more important; jobs increasingly require high levels of education and training; high-skilled occupations have expanded most rapidly, while mid-skilled occupations have declined; and the median returns to higher education have been maintained or even increased. The drivers of skills demand are new technologies, managers’ strategies as to how these new technologies are used and associated ways of organizing work, changing industrial and consumer demand, and rising inequality. The future demand for skills is especially uncertain because of the unknown implications of highly automated new technologies (robots). This uncertainty contrasts with the much greater confidence we can have in the growing supply of tertiary educated workers for the foreseeable future. Skills mismatch takes many forms, the “skills deficit”, “skill shortages” and graduate underemployment are all important, with detrimental effects on both workers and employers. Unemployment, recruitment difficulties, skills becoming outdated and people doing jobs not using their potential are examples of skill mismatch: situations where skill supply and skill demand diverge. Policies addressing mismatch can mitigate the social and economic costs linked to the waste of skills and human potential it entails
Expected results:
• Bridging the gap between labour and education
• Recommendations
• Exchange of good practice and ideas
• Networking
Additional information:
Additional information: Number of participants per country: 3 max (at least one representative from education sector and one labour market)
NA representatives are welcomed
Partners and participants
Organiser NA:
MK01 - National Agency for European Educational Programmes and Mobility
Number of participants:
Participants per country:
3 - Any
Target group:
Erasmus+ Programme experience level:
Profile of participants:
At least one representative from education sector and one labour market
Pending booked places
Accepted places
Sending partner(s):
AT01 - 1
DE02 - 2
HR01 - 4
LT01 - 3
MT01 - 2
PL01 - 10
MK01 - 0
SE01 - 2
TR01 - 10
UK02 - 10
Pending booked places:
Accepted places:
TCA Participant Application
Start date of TCA Participant Application:
Application deadline:
Confirmation deadline for Sending NAs:
Confirmation deadline for Organiser NAs: