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Training Impact Design for NA Staff and Experts/Assessors

Part of a Long-term activity

Main Info

Increase the quality of programme implementation (2021-27)
Type of presence:
Venue country:
Venue city:
Working language:
Key Action:
Not applicable
TCA documents:
E+ Academy:
Start date:
End date:
capacity building in impact and dissemination

TCA Description

Themes and goals:

This training is a 3 day event for NA Staff and External Assessors, that focusses on the application of 'impact (results based) thinking' in project and programme design. 

The training consists of two major thematic strands: 

Project and programme management principles

The training discusses the definition of impact and intervention logic according to OECD-DAC criteria and looks into different programme management models. It explores which combination of tools and approaches is effective when designing project proposals.  

Models used include the logical framework, theory of change and outcome mapping. During the training participants apply methods and tools to case studies and discuss the pro’s and con's of the different methods in their specific national context. 

Effective design support for applicant organisations

During the training the roles and responsibilities of the National Agencies, experts and applicant organisations and beneficiary groups are examined. Four actors with different roles to play, but also with a common goal: an effective Erasmus+ programme. 

The training revolves around the central question of which strategies a NA can follow to provide support in project design to applicant organisations. The course works on the principal idea that properly designed projects lead to better implementation and thus better impact.

Expected results:

After the training, participants:

• Understand what impact is, why it is important and how you can apply impact thinking in a practical way.

• Understand the key differences between output and outcome/impact results.

• Have practiced with various programme management methods.

• Have reflected on what can be done to strengthen impact thinking within their national context.

Additional information:

This TCA will take place in the seaside town of Zandvoort aan Zee.

The programme will start at around 2PM on Wednesday 10 April and end after lunch on Friday 12 April (at around 2PM). All participants will need to be present for the whole programme. Training will take place on Wednesday afternoon, all day on Thursday and on Friday morning. Participants can travel to the venue on Wednesday morning and return home on Friday afternoon. For all participants, the Dutch NA will arrange and cover: 2 nights plus breakfast, dinner on Wednesday and Thursday, and lunch on Thursday and Friday.

Partners and participants

Organiser NA:
NL01 - National Agency Erasmus+ Education and Training
Number of participants:
Participants per country:
2 - Any
Target group:
Experts Other
Erasmus+ Programme experience level:
Newcomers and Experienced beneficiaries
Profile of participants:

NA staff and external experts involved in assessment of applications for KA120, KA220 and KA210.


Pending booked places

Accepted places

Sending partner(s):
CY01 - 3 CZ01 - 2 DE02 - 3 DK01 - 2 FR01 - 3 LV01 - 3 MT01 - 3 NL01 - 4 PL01 - 2 SI01 - 2 PT01 - 3 SE01 - 2 TR01 - 3
Pending booked places:
Accepted places:

TCA Participant Application

Start date of TCA Participant Application:
Application deadline:
Confirmation deadline for Sending NAs:
Confirmation deadline for Organiser NAs:

Research type Long-term Activity Info

Research LTA on Impact, Monitoring and Evaluation of Erasmus+ projects
NL01 - National Agency Erasmus+ Education and Training
Increase the quality of programme implementation (2021-27)
evidence based research
Austria Belgium Cyprus Czech Republic Finland Greece Ireland Malta Netherlands Portugal Romania Slovenia
Working language:
Start date:
End date:

Rationale and background:

The commission places great emphasis on the importance of impact of the Erasmus programme. Applicant organisations and National Agencies are challenged to increase the quality and visibility of programme results. Considering the reach of the Erasmus programme in terms of its (inter) national context, priorities, education sectors and funding modalities impact can come in many different shapes and forms. Recognising what impact is in a specific context and determining an impact approach that supports the further development of impact is a challenging task for all stakeholders involved.    

This long term TCA aims at a systemic change in the way NA’s applicant organisations and experts design, implement and monitor projects and mobilities, it seeks to develop skills, tools and attitudes that enable NA staff, assessors, and beneficiary organisations to improve the programme’s effectiveness. In doing so it recognises the mutual dependency that exists between the stakeholders in achieving programme results, and the joint effort that is needed to develop and implement, a coherent, impact driven programme. 

The outcome of this process will be a mutual understanding of what impact is, supporting tools that help ensure that impact is an integral part of project design and insights into research methods and research results that are useful in designing and measuring for impact.


To arrive at a systemic change in the way NA’s applicant organisations and experts design, implement and monitor projects and mobilities, it seeks to develop skills, tools and attitudes that enable NA staff, assessors, and beneficiary organisations to improve the programme’s effectiveness. In doing so it recognises the mutual dependency that exists between the stakeholders in achieving programme results, and the joint effort that is needed to develop and implement, a coherent, impact driven programme.

Milestones/Planned Activities:


  • Project meetings.
  • Setting-up structure for LTA; study into need for impact support and training design.
  • Training design and collection of current tools in use by NAs.


  • Training sessions impact, monitoring and evaluation for stakeholders  (in 2023 impact and monitoring training events for LTA partners only).
  • Implementation study on research design.
  • Development of impact tool package.


  • Dissemination workshop reiterating research findings and LTA outputs to wider audience.
Expected results:


Three transnational studies :

·         - A study analysing context specific need for impact support mechanisms in participating countries

·         - A study leading to the development of research guide for impact in E+.

·         - A study leading to the development of a communication and dissemination guide for impact results.

National level studies and methods translated and disseminated to wider E+ community

Further development of supporting e-tools for project design and monitoring for NA’s, assessors, beneficiary organisations of running projects.

Thematic workshops for E+ beneficiaries, applicants, NA Staff and external experts improving their ability to proactively drive programme results.

A conference to synthesize and disseminate the output of the TCA


Expected outcomes

·         Understanding of the nature and development of outcome and impact level results in the context of E+. Extended use of national research results E+ community.

·         Relevant design and monitoring tools and research methods for impact.

·         E+ stakeholders understand their roles and responsibilities with regard to the development of programme results and jointly work towards better impact of the programme.  

·         E+ stakeholders are better able to steer towards better programme results through planning and monitoring. Impact approaches internalized in participating NA’s