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French speaking contact seminar for schools working with special needs pupils - Erasmus+: what opportunities for schools working with special needs pupils? Let’s build a community of practices!

TCA Description

Themes and goals:

Based on the particularly beneficial effects that an Erasmus+ experience can have on pupils with special needs (e.g. self-esteem, autonomy, etc.) and at the request of schools working with special needs pupils, the Belgian French-speaking and French Erasmus+ National Agencies have joined forces to offer this contact seminar. This seminar will provide a unique opportunity for representatives of schools working with special needs pupils to meet, discover the opportunities offered by the Erasmus+ program and create a European network of schools working with special needs pupils.

In Europe, there are a variety of approaches and educational systems for pupils with special needs, whether through dedicated schools/institutes, or through arrangements enabling pupils with special needs to be included in mainstream education.

In Belgium (French-speaking Belgium), there are dedicated schools for pupils with special needs, grouped into 8 types - depending on the needs of the pupils. In addition, since the decree of 17 June 2021, 48 territorial clusters are being developed to support the inclusion of pupils with special needs into mainstream education.

In France, there are a number of arrangements within the educational system to host pupils with special needs. On the one hand, there are dedicated facilities within the framework of inclusive schools and special education: inclusion in ordinary classes, Local Units for School Inclusion (ULIS), Specialised General and Vocational Education Sections (SEGPA), Specialised Regional Schools and Specialised High Schools (EREA-LEA); and on the other hand, medico-social institutes: Medical Educational Institutes (IME-IMPro), Therapeutic, Educational and Pedagogical Institutes (ITEP), Institutes for Children and Adolescents with Multiple Disabilities (EEAP), Sensory Educational Institutes (IES) and Motor Educational Institutes (IEM).

Teachers and other educational professionals working with pupils with special needs (cognitive, behavioural, physical, learning, etc.) face their own challenges and needs in terms of teaching approaches, pupil follow-up and working environment. This seminar is intended to provide a forum for European colleagues facing similar challenges and questions to meet and exchange ideas.

This European seminar, whose working language will be French, will enable teachers, managers and other education professionals working with pupils with special needs (educators, therapists, psychologists, educational counsellors, inspectors, etc.) to meet their European counterparts to exchange practices and create links with a view to working together on future Erasmus+/eTwinning projects.

Expected results:
  • To enable exchanges between teachers, managers and other education professionals working with pupils with special educational needs in Europe and give them the opportunity to meet.
  • Present the Erasmus+ opportunities for these schools (and other relevant institutes/organisations) and explain how Erasmus+ and eTwinning projects can motivate and mobilise pupils with special needs to learn differently (project-based learning in transnational groups, meetings between classes in Europe, online collaboration, etc.) and support staff (exchanges and observation of practices abroad, job-shadowing, continuous education via training courses hosted by experts, etc.).
  • Sharing good practices between participants, particularly in the context of Erasmus+/eTwinning projects, through testimonials and collaborative work sessions.
  • Working in small groups on common ideas for potential future European projects.
Additional information:

The richness of the seminar will mainly come from the networking and exchange of practices between participants, who will be coming from different countries - with different approaches regarding inclusive education. Participants who apply are therefore asked to be prepared to share their experiences in the field and their inclusive practices during the various workshops planned during the seminar. This exchange may concern the school's own projects at local level as well as current or past Erasmus+ or eTwinning projects, for those already involved in European cooperation.

Partners and participants

Organiser NA:
BE01 - Agence francophone pour l'Education et la Formation tout au long de la vie
Number of participants:
Participants per country:
20 - Belgium 20 - France
Target group:
School leaders, directors Teachers Trainers Education professionals Experts Other support staff School authorities
Erasmus+ Programme experience level:
Newcomers and Experienced beneficiaries
Profile of participants:
  • Members of staff of schools, organisations or institutes working with pupils with special needs (aged 3 to 18), with or without Erasmus+ experience: teachers, members of management, educational counsellors, educators, psychologists, etc.
  • The seminar is aimed at both special schools and mainstream schools that include pupils with special needs.
  • Special needs are defined here as any needs relating to cognitive, behavioural, physical or learning difficulties, as well as serious difficulties at school.
  • This seminar does not cover specific socio-economic needs or allophone pupils.
  • As working language of the seminar will be French, applicants are asked to fill in the Salto’s application online form in French.



Pending booked places

Accepted places

Sending partner(s):
AT01 - 3 BE01 - 27 DE03 - 3 FI01 - 1 FR01 - 28 HU01 - 2 IT02 - 5 LU01 - 2 NO01 - 3 PL01 - 2 RO01 - 4 BE03 - 2
Pending booked places:
Accepted places:

TCA Participant Application

Start date of TCA Participant Application:
Application deadline:
Confirmation deadline for Sending NAs:
Confirmation deadline for Organiser NAs: