Impact of Erasmus+ Traineeships on Higher Education
Main Info
TCA Description
This contact seminar aims to deal with the challenges and opportunities of traineeship mobility in the current framework of the programme period 2021/2027.
Theme and Goals:
Erasmus+ Traineeships offer practical and professional experience to Higher Education students and recent graduates before they enter the workplace. In fact, the Erasmus+ Impact Study (2019) found that students who complete an Erasmus+ mobility for
studying or training boost their employability skills, with a large majority (72%) that had been beneficial or highly beneficial in finding their first job.
Nonetheless, there are still numerous challenges and pertinent issues worth examining that affect the implementation of successful traineeships.
oStrengthen the qualitative implementation of Traineeships by demonstrating the importance of the principles and the
innovations of the new program period.
oDisseminate and exchange good practices among the stakeholders: HEIs, NAs, student organizations
oFormulate an action plan regarding the implementation of qualitative Traineeships in a national and institutional context
During this TCA, we will discuss the views on what a high quality traineeship entails, on the part of the student, the sending institution as well as the host organization, issues related to recognition as well as the transferability of learning outcomes
- whether the current European quality framework caters for this, and whether there are quality dimensions that may be missing
- Special attention will be given to issues related to blended traineeship periods as well as traineeship mobility periods for students with disability/fewer opportunities
- The availability of traineeship opportunities with regards to the platform
- The role of ESN in the qualitative implementation of traineeships
Partners and participants
Pending booked places
Accepted places