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Sustainability in Action: Empowering Erasmus+ Projects for a Greener Future

Main Info

Environment and fight against climate change (2021-27)
Type of presence:
Venue country:
Venue city:
Working language:
Key Action:
Not applicable
TCA documents:
E+ Academy:
Start date:
End date:
sustainabilitynetworkinginteractiveproject management

TCA Description

Themes and goals:

This activity is linked to the LTA “Sustainability and Greening” coordinated by DE1

Join us in Vilnius, the European Green Capital of 2025, for a three-day seminar on sustainability in Erasmus+ projects, designed to explore strategies, best practices, and practical tools to enhance the sustainability of Erasmus+ initiatives and organisations implementing them. The seminar will not only cover the theoretical foundations of sustainability in Erasmus+ projects but will also focus on the practical, everyday challenges of implementing these concepts both during project implementation and within the daily operations of the organization itself. Participants will engage in real-world scenarios and case studies, ensuring that the strategies and tools discussed are directly applicable to the day-to-day management of projects, helping to bridge the gap between theory and practice.

Through expert-led workshops, panel discussions, and hands-on activities, attendees will gain valuable insights on how to create sustainable initiatives, manage resources efficiently, and integrate eco-friendly approaches into their Erasmus+ projects. Participants will also have the opportunity to exchange ideas, foster new collaborations, and learn from successful case studies across Europe. By the end of the seminar, participants will have developed a solid understanding of how to incorporate sustainable practices into their Erasmus+ projects, ensuring that their impact extends beyond the project’s duration.

The TCA is open to participants from all sectors – AE, VET, SE, HE.

Expected results:
  • Enhanced knowledge of sustainable practices and their integration into Erasmus+ projects.
  • Practical tools and strategies for managing projects with a focus on environmental sustainability.
  • Strengthened collaboration among Erasmus+ participants and organizations focused on sustainability.
  • Actionable plans for implementing sustainable practices in future Erasmus+ initiatives.
  • Improved capacity to evaluate the long-term impact and success of sustainability efforts within projects.
Additional information:

Partners and participants

Organiser NA:
LT01 - Education Exchanges Support Foundation
Number of participants:
Participants per country:
40 - Any
Target group:
School leaders, directors Teachers Education professionals Other support staff Representatives of non-governmental institutions
Erasmus+ Programme experience level:
Experienced beneficiaries
Profile of participants:

This event is open to all former or current beneficiaries of the Erasmus+ Programme and representatives from all education sectors who are interested in developing skills in sustainability in both project management and their day-to-day operations. 


Pending booked places

Accepted places

Sending partner(s):
BE02 - 3 DE02 - 1 DK01 - 3 EE01 - 4 EL01 - 4 HU01 - 3 IS01 - 2 LU01 - 2 LV01 - 4 MT01 - 3 PL01 - 2 SK01 - 3 BE03 - 2 PT01 - 3 SE01 - 2 TR01 - 1
Pending booked places:
Accepted places:

TCA Participant Application

Start date of TCA Participant Application:
Application deadline:
Confirmation deadline for Sending NAs:
Confirmation deadline for Organiser NAs: