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“Pupil mobility in Europe – making inclusion a reality”

Main Info

Inclusion (2014-20)
Type of presence:
Venue country:
Venue city:
Working language:
Key Action:
TCA documents:
E+ Academy:
Start date:
End date:
mobilityequal opportunities

TCA Description

Themes and goals:

The ambitious goal of the next Erasmus+ programme is to make learning mobility a realistic possibility for any pupil in school education. The programme starting in 2021 seeks to promote equal opportunities and access: Inclusion and diversity are key principles that shall facilitate participation of a wider range of schools with pupils from more diverse backgrounds.In the next Erasmus+ programme, pupil mobility will be a prominent and distinct feature. Under Key Action 1 the next programme will also support mobility of school pupils. This will include short-term group mobility and longer-term individual mobility of pupils carrying out a study period at a school abroad or a work experience placement.By presenting the experiences gained within school exchange projects in the Erasmus+ programme, the conference will deal with the chances and challenges to implement pupil mobility in school projects from 2021 onwards. Teachers and school representatives from all programme countries of Erasmus+ will have the chance to exchange experiences on pupil mobility and to work on mobility schemes that respect inclusion and diversity. The conference will also be a forum for networking and contact making to find partners for mobility projects in the new programme.


  • The conference will present best practice projects and successful mobility schemes for inclusive pupil mobility. It will also address blended mobility combining virtual and real mobility via the eTwinning platform.
  • With the support of experts from the field, conference participants will reflect about ways to include more pupils from more diverse backgrounds into mobility projects. Conference participants will work on recommendations for pupil mobility that respect the principles of inclusion and diversity.
  • The conference will offer networking opportunities for school representatives to find partners and to discuss project proposals for mobility projects in the new programme.
Expected results:
The event is hosted by the National Agency for school education in Germany (Pädagogischer Austauschdienst). The conference is organized in cooperation with National Agencies for Erasmus+ in Finland, Italy and Norway,
Additional information:

Partners and participants

Organiser NA:
DE03 - Nationale Agentur für EU-Programme im Schulbereich im Pädagogischen Austauschdienst der Kultusministerkonferenz
Number of participants:
Target group:
Erasmus+ Programme experience level:
Profile of participants:
  • Representatives from schools (general education) that are interested in starting mobility projects in the new programme with a focus on inclusion and diversity
  • Project coordinators or representatives of Erasmus+ school projects and of eTwinning projects with experience in pupil mobility with pupils from diverse backgrounds and/or disadvantaged pupils
  • Representatives from school authorities and Ministries of Education (mobility consortium coordinators)
  • NA representatives (facilitators)

Pending booked places

Accepted places

Sending partner(s):
BG01 - 3 NL01 - 6 HR01 - 6 RS01 - 6 IE01 - 6 RO01 - 5 BE02 - 5 SE01 - 6 SK01 - 6 LT01 - 3 AT01 - 4 FR01 - 6 BE01 - 3 FI01 - 7 PT01 - 3 LU01 - 1 MT01 - 3
Pending booked places:
Accepted places:

TCA Participant Application

Start date of TCA Participant Application:
Application deadline:
Confirmation deadline for Sending NAs:
Confirmation deadline for Organiser NAs: