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Thematic seminar for Assessors of KA2 applications and final reports: Understanding Green Transition and Building Quality in KA2 Assessment

Main Info

Increase the quality of programme implementation (2021-27)
Type of presence:
Venue country:
Venue city:
Working language:
Key Action:
TCA documents:
E+ Academy:
Start date:
End date:

TCA Description

Themes and goals:

This is a thematic seminar that centres on a training for experienced KA2 experts (assessors/evaluators) of both applications and final reports in the fields of adult education (AE), higher education (HE), school education (SE) and vocational education (VET).  

The TCA will be divided into two complementary parts, and will be titled “Understanding Green Transition and Building Quality in KA2 Assessment”. 

The first training element will last for one day and will be linked to SALTO GREEN and the LTA SUSTAINABILITY AND GREENING with goals centred on the training of experts to better recognise and assess the GREEN PRIORITY and its features in project design.

The second training element will last for one-and-a-half days with goals centred on building common understanding and capacity among KA2 experts on how to effectively assess KA2 funding proposals and final reports, whilst also addressing aspects relating to comments, score sand consolidation steps. This second training element takes into account the results of the CLEAR LTA.

The training will focus on learning through guidance, exchanging information, practising and discussion. For this part, preliminary work will be asked to prepare before the face-to-face event.  

Next to that, we will inform all participants about all 4 priorities. This training will be given by our Priorities Officer. Finally, we offer an extra optional training for those who are interested in the Flemish education system. 

Expected results:

After the TCA, participants will: 

• better understand the priority green 

• understand how to assess the priority green in assessments 

• be able to use a developed tool to better evaluate the horizontal priority 'green' within a KA2 project application context  

• have a good understanding of all 4 priorities 

• be trained to better align their assessments of applications and final reports 

• be able to demonstrate a clear understanding of the assessment steps and assessment criteria involved in determining successful delivery of an Erasmus+ KA2 partnership. 

• be able to distinguish between factors which need to be considered at the end of a KA2 partnership and those which are predominantly judged at the point of application 

• be able to evaluate the final achievements in a KA2 partnership, providing comments and scores for NAs to use in their feedback to beneficiaries 

• have the opportunity to learn from each other via peer learning activities, workshops and discussions 

• have the ability to apply the gained knowledge and skills in future assessments 

Additional information:

BE02 covers accommodation for 3 nights in Van der Valk Antwerp where the event will take place, including all workshops, activities and meals.  

Start: 11/02/2054 at 15h00 with an extra and completely voluntary extra session on the Flemish Education System at 13h30.  

End: 14/02/2025 at 14h00 (lunch included).  

We kindly ask you to organise your travel arrangements accordingly to avoid arriving after the start of the TCA and leaving before the end. Any extra nights must be booked and paid separately by the participants and will not be covered by BE02.  

We ask all participants (also the NA staff) to register via the SALTO platform. 

Deadline of Booking Places: 20/11/2024 

Start application 22/11/2024 

Application deadline 20/12/2024 

Confirmation deadline NAs 02/01/2025 

We ask the NAs to also create a reserve list in case of withdrawals and/or cancellations.  

BE02 strives to be as inclusive as possible. 

Partners and participants

Organiser NA:
BE02 - EPOS vzw
Number of participants:
Target group:
Erasmus+ Programme experience level:
Experienced beneficiaries
Profile of participants:

Experienced assessors of KA2 applications and/or final reports. Experienced = have already assessed applications and/or final reports. 


Pending booked places

Accepted places

Sending partner(s):
BE01 - 2 BE02 - 24 DE01 - 3 EE01 - 2 FI01 - 3 HU01 - 2 IS01 - 2 LT01 - 2 LV01 - 3 MT01 - 4 NL01 - 3 PL01 - 3 SK01 - 4 PT01 - 3 TR01 - 3 RS01 - 2
Pending booked places:
Accepted places:

TCA Participant Application

Start date of TCA Participant Application:
Application deadline:
Confirmation deadline for Sending NAs:
Confirmation deadline for Organiser NAs: