CLEAR+ NA and Assessor Workshop

Main Info
TCA Description
This workshops centres on an exchange of experience among internal and external assessors working on final reports from Erasmus+ Small-Scale Partnerships (KA210) and Cooperation Partnerships (KA220). Specifically, we are looking to engage with those who already have experience of final report assessment in KA210 and KA220 where the lump sum financing model has been employed. Insights gathered during this workshop will be used to guide future CLEAR+ training and resource developments.
Workshop discussions will centre around the following elements:
- quality assessment of KA210 final report reports: successes and challenges
- quality assessment of KA220 final report reports: successes and challenges
- low scores and consequences: exchange of practice and experience
- high scores and consequences: exchange of practice and experience
- assessor training model and resources: review, best practices and gap analysis
By the end of this networking and capacity-building seminar, participants will be able to:
- COMPARE own assessment practices and experiences against those of wider experts and professionals engaged in similar final report assessment activities.
- BENCHMARK low and high scoring practices and experiences (unattributed).
- IDENTIFY and aid the development of key resources able to support Erasmus+ final report assessment for KA210 and KA220.
Schedule for the Small Workshop in Naples:
- Monday 2 June 2025: Arrival, Welcome and Common Dinner
- Tuesday 3 June 2025: CLEAR+ Full Day Workshop (followed by cultural activity and common dinner)
- Wednesday 4 June 2025: CLEAR Half Day Workshop (followed by lunch and departure)
Partners and participants
The event is addressed to NA Staff and nternal/external assessors.
Pending booked places
Accepted places
TCA Participant Application
Long-term Activity Info
Building on the successes of the first period of the CLEAR Assessment LTA (2022-2024), where significant progress was made in developing a common model of assessor training for Key Action 2, a second phase of activity has been launched under the heading of CLEAR+ (2025-2027). This second phase will continue to develop a common resource set for use by all Erasmus+ NAs operating in the fields of education and training, whilst extending the use of new digital and audio-visual technologies, increasing the quality of the existing resource set and enhancing feedback mechanisms among assessors and NA staff.
Specifically, CLEAR+ will involve updating the existing resource set (incorporating any changes at programme level), learning from experience and employing digital tools and software to deliver complementary, multi-media and multi-language resources.
Erasmus+ National Agencies rely on experts to deliver high-quality, transparent and impartial assessments, of funding proposals and reports, ensuring the fair and transparent treatment of all applicants and beneficiaries. To achieve this, it is important to have a common training resource set that allows for capacity-building among assessors, developing a common understanding of those aspects that need to be judged during the assessment of funding proposals and final reports. Whilst the first phase of CLEAR Assessment was successful in terms of delivering a common resource set and ensuring the required clarity among assessors working in different programme countries, opportunities have emerged for the increased use of new technologies (including for the development of short videos and for trialling multi-language resources) and there is a definite need to learn from those currently undertaking final report assessments with a view to improving and enhancing this additional set of resources, which only emerged in the final year of the previous LTA.
The following three-year workplan has been agreed with a view to guiding delivery of the CLEAR+ LTA:
[2025] review current resource set to ensure continued relevance; annual update of existing/retained briefing sheets and training resources; expand resource set to include briefings on 1-2 horizontal topics; increase focus on final report assessment and scenarios/examples; simplified design of briefing sheets to facilitate machine translation; annual planning meeting of CLEAR+ member NAs (virtual); annual training workshop for circa. 25 staff/assessors from member NAs to exchange first-hand experiences; annual training workshop for circa. 100 staff/assessors from member and wider NAs to address priority topics; create short and complementary video resources, including use of AI software.
[2026] annual update of existing/retained briefing sheets and training resources; expand resource set to include briefings on 1-2 horizontal topics; increase focus on final report assessment and scenarios/examples; trial of machine translation for briefing sheets; annual planning meeting of CLEAR+ member NAs (virtual); annual training workshop for circa. 25 staff/assessors from member NAs to exchange first-hand experiences; annual training workshop for circa. 100 staff/assessors from member and wider NAs to address priority topics; create short and complementary video resources, including use of AI software plus trialling of multi-language video production.
[2027] annual update of existing/retained briefing sheets and training resources; expand resource set to include briefings on 1-2 horizontal topics; increase focus on final report assessment and scenarios/examples; facilitate machine translation of briefing sheets (on demand); annual planning meeting of CLEAR+ member NAs (virtual); annual training workshop for circa. 25 staff/assessors from member NAs to exchange first-hand experiences; annual training workshop for circa. 100 staff/assessors from member and wider NAs to address priority topics; create short and complementary video resources, including use of AI software plus continued trialling of multi-language video production.
CLEAR+ anticipates the following results and deliverables:
- virtual planning meeting of CLEAR+ member NAs hosted annually, as well as hosting short planning meetings at the end of each assessor training workshop.
- small training workshop for staff/assessors from member NAs hosted annually, to allow for the exchange of first-hand experiences on actual assessment practices and emerging challenges and successes.
- large training workshop for staff/assessors from member and wider NAs hosted annually, to address priority topics identified through consultation with assessors from member NAs.
- updated digital resource set (reflecting programme-level changes and ensuring the continued relevance of the topics being addressed), including briefing sheets and NA training resources.
- expanded digital resource set to include briefing sheets on Erasmus+ horizontal priorities.
- updated final report assessment scenarios and/or case examples, based on assessor feedback and actual assessment practices.
-simplified design of briefing sheets to facilitate machine translation and potential for wider language use.
- extended set of complementary video resources using the latest AI and technology-based production software and trialling multi-language video production.