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European Conference on Living and Teaching European Values Today

Main Info

Participation in democratic life (2021-27)
Type of presence:
Venue country:
Venue city:
Working language:
Key Action:
Not applicable
TCA documents:
E+ Academy:
Start date:
End date:
newcomersmobilitydisseminationnetworkingteachinginteractiveproject managementdemocracyraising awareness

TCA Description

Themes and goals:

The conference on ‘Living and teaching European values today’ aims to provide educators with practical tools to incorporate democratic principles, media literacy, historical awareness, and critical thinking into their teaching, equipping pupils to participate meaningfully in democratic processes. The conference addresses the Erasmus priority ‘Participation in democratic life, common values and civic engagement’ and will highlight how both formal and non-formal learning activities can foster European values, enabling pupils to engage meaningfully in democratic processes and understand their roles as citizens within the European Union. It will also examine the role of history education in shaping democratic values and the potential to use education as a tool for combatting disinformation and fostering peaceful, inclusive societies.

Guiding Questions:

  • How can we involve all pupils in political education and strengthen democratic participation inside and outside of schools?
  • How can pupils be empowered against the dangers of misinformation, disinformation, societal polarization, xenophobia, racism, antisemitism, and fundamentalism?
  • How can collaborative work and blended learning succeed - in the classroom and in Erasmus projects?
  • What are the tools to educate young people on the foundations of democracy, history, and civic engagement?
  • How can we empower pupils with Erasmus+ to challenge distorted narratives and navigate in an increasingly complex world with integrity and resilience?
Expected results:
  • The conference will present scientific views and innovative Erasmus projects so that participants can deepen their knowledge on the conference topics.
  • The conference will highlight ways in which schools and teachers can profit from Erasmus+ school projects including eTwinning and the European School Education Platform. Special attention will be given to blended mobility and the use of eTwinning in the classroom and in project work.
  • In exchange with each other and with the help of experts in the field, the participants will discuss and develop concepts for school projects and school development.
  • The conference will offer networking opportunities for schools and institutions in the school sector to find partners and initiate new Erasmus projects (mobility projects, cooperation projects, eTwinning projects).
  • Participants will receive further input through workshops and the conference will provide space for networking activities and reflection on the lessons of history.
Additional information:
Travel expenses, accomodation and meals:
  • Travel costs will be reimbursed by each sending National Agency.
  • The German National Agency will book and pay single hotel rooms for each participant at the conference venue.
  • All meals during the seminar are covered by the German National Agency.

Additional information on the profile of participants:

We would like to extend a special invitation to representatives of preschools, schools, and school-related institutions working on the conference topics that are located

  • in remote or rural areas,
  • in areas with limited public transport and inadequate facilities,
  • in regions with a high proportion of voters for right-wing populist parties, 
  • or in urban suburbs with a high concentration of families dependent on social benefits or living below the poverty line.

Partners and participants

Organiser NA:
DE03 - Nationale Agentur für EU-Programme im Schulbereich im Pädagogischen Austauschdienst der Kultusministerkonferenz
Number of participants:
Participants per country:
15 - France 15 - Italy 15 - Poland 3 - Any
Target group:
School leaders, directors Teachers Education professionals School authorities
Erasmus+ Programme experience level:
Newcomers and Experienced beneficiaries
Profile of participants:

  • Representatives from schools (from pre-school to upper secondary level) who are interested in starting Erasmus+ projects (Focus on Key action 1 and 2 and eTwinning) on the conference topics.
  • Schools from the vocational education sector, who are interested in eTwinning.
  • Representatives from teacher training institutions with experience on the conference topics
  • Representatives of Erasmus+ projects (Key action 1 and 2 and eTwinning) who have carried out or are implementing projects on the conference topics and who are willing to share their knowledge.
  • Representatives from school authorities and Ministries of Education (mobility consortium coordinators).
  • Representatives of Erasmus+ Teacher Academies and Jean Monnet activities who are working on the conference topics and mainly address pupils with fewer opportunities.
  • NA representatives

We would like to extend a special invitation to representatives of preschools, schools, and school-related institutions working on the conference topics that are located

    • in remote or rural areas,
    • in areas with limited public transport and inadequate facilities,
    • in regions with a high proportion of voters for right-wing populist parties,
    • or in urban suburbs with a high concentration of families dependent on social benefits or living below the poverty line.

Pending booked places

Accepted places

Sending partner(s):
AT01 - 3 BE01 - 2 BE02 - 2 DK01 - 2 EE01 - 4 EL01 - 4 ES01 - 4 FI01 - 6 FR01 - 17 HU01 - 3 IE01 - 3 IT02 - 11 LT01 - 2 LV01 - 4 MT01 - 2 NL01 - 3 PL01 - 15 SI01 - 2 SK01 - 4 BE03 - 2 PT01 - 4 SE01 - 4 TR01 - 4 RS01 - 2
Pending booked places:
Accepted places:

TCA Participant Application

Start date of TCA Participant Application:
Application deadline:
Confirmation deadline for Sending NAs:
Confirmation deadline for Organiser NAs: