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Call for Application for the upcoming TCA "Erasmus+ digitisation: why green, inclusive and participatory inputs are needed​", May 20 - 22 2025, Frankfurt/Main

Last chance for applications for the upcoming TCA "Erasmus+ digitisation: why green, inclusive and participatory inputs are needed” - deadline: February 13th!

DE flagDE01

The German National Agency for Higher Education Cooperation NA DAAD (DE01) in cooperation with the Dutch National Agency Erasmus+ Education and Training (NL01/Nuffic) is happy to announce its next TCA entitled "Erasmus+ digitisation: why green, inclusive and participatory inputs are needed”. The TCA will take place from May 20th until May 22nd 2025 in Frankfurt am Main, Germany!

New blended mobility formats complement the existing exchange opportunities for students and higher education staff, while also serving to strategically align partnerships. Meanwhile, the European Student Card Initiative (ESCI), in particular Erasmus Without Paper (EWP), addresses the digitalisation of administration within and between higher education institutions. There is no doubt that digitalization opens up new opportunities. The biggest challenges are to make these digital opportunities inclusive, greener and in line with participation in democratic life. For successful implementation, digitalisation also needs the important contributions of the other horizontal priorities of the Erasmus+ Programme. 


This TCA would like to bring together policy advisors of HE institutions, interested parties (ACA, Digital Education Hub, SALTO Digital, SALTO Green, SALTO participation & Information, SALTO Inclusion & Diversity in Education and Training ) and national agencies (Digital Officers, Digital Contact Points, policy advisors) in order to focus more on the thematic field of tension.

Our deadline for application is Thursday, 13th of February.

Apply here!

We look forward to your applications and interest!