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Easy going environment and super efficient event organised for AE/VET institutions in Iceland

László Gábor PAPÓCSI Dr., Head of Agricultural Advisory, Adult Training and Information Centre attended a face-to-face event in order to find new partners to collaborate in Erasmus+ projects. His institute gained 3 new partnerships, moreover he has got great insight from other country’s experts on planning and realising Erasmus+ projects.



SALTO E&T is starting a series of news that are supporting individuals and institutions by showing how they could benefit from participating in a Training and Cooperation Activity. This article was made with the assistance of the Hungarian National Agency and shares the experiences of an Adult Education professional.

László Gábor PAPÓCSI Dr.- from GAK Education, Research and Innovation Nonprofit Public Benefit Company, Hungary -, has participated in the Icelandic Training and Cooperation Activity titled DIGITAL, INCLUSIVE AND GREEN INNOVATION: DIG-I-PACT in November 2021. 

Before the event

In order to attend the event successfully Mr. PAPÓCSI has prepared as follows:

- Researched general and agricultural information about Iceland.

- Studied the agenda, the practical guide and the website of the hosting National Agency.

- Checked, if the new Programme Guide has been published (Which just happened parallel to the event).

- Had a discussion within his department about the Erasmus+ call for proposals 2022 and agreed that his institution is open to join a new project managed by another institution. Therefor this f2f event is perfect to connect with international institutions and start partnerships.

During the event

Thanks to the professional competence, routine and methodology of the Icelandic organisers and the moderator (Paul Guest, Scotland), the knowledge transfer and networking has been carried out in a very pleasant environment that generated efficient collaboration – actively involving participants.

Mr. PAPÓCSI’s institution has been worked on one project idea with 3 international institutions from Iceland, Slovenia and Sweden.

After the event

The Hungarian, Iceland, Slovenia and Sweden institutions agreed to continue the work after the event, further develop the project idea and decide which institute shall submit the project proposal.

Regarding dissemination, Mr. PAPÓCSI has shared the event outcomes (documents) with his colleagues and held a meeting to highlight the professional insights of his attendance.


Soon we (SALTO E&T) are publishing our next news. In the meantime if you are interested in participating in a Training and Cooperation Activity, please visit and/or consult with your country’s National Agency.