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Green Practices for Increasing Environmental Sustainability

Summary of TCA outcomes

The Training and Cooperation Activity (TCA) – thematic seminar “Green Practices for Increasing Environmental Sustainability” aimed at deepening the understanding of the Erasmus+ programme priority “Environment and fight against climate change” for successful practices of green transition within Erasmus+ 2021-2027 projects to support sustainable growth and environmentally responsible behavior.

During the TCA events it brought together the representatives from various I&D support organisations and representatives from all education and training sectors, including vocational education and training, school, adult and higher education. It comprised both current Erasmus+ project beneficiaries, as well as newcomers and potential applicants for the Erasmus+ programme. The event hosted more than 100 participants (including moderators, experts and presenters) from 19 countries.

The seminar was held for 3 days. It started with a networking game on climate change as an ice-breaking activity and dinner on the first evening. On the second day, it was followed by a set of expert presentations for deepening the insights of the Erasmus+ programme priority on environment and fight against climate change within the Erasmus+ 2021-2027, covering such topics as the EU Policy framework, support mechanisms, guidelines, international and national contexts, useful resources and practices for the implementation of green transition within the Erasmus+.

The presentations were followed by practical discussions in parallel work groups in the afternoon. The first work group on Greener Communities focused on such aspects of environmental sustainability in a community as environmental stewardship, social equity, economic resilience, community well-being and climate resilience were discussed. The practical input was achieved by engaging participants in an innovative exercise that explored the principles of sustainable urban planning and community development. The second work group on Bioeconomy discussed such topics as biorefining, bioresource utilization index, value chains and carbon cycle. Further practical work was based on generating the ideas of possible ways to complete the wood supply chain to the maximum – promoting a zero waste approach. The assessment of daily activities and the production of carbon footprint by various characters and their lifestyles were roleplayed in the third work group on Green Daily Practices. The last but not least work group on Waste looked at zero waste practices and waste valorisation in line with the principles of circularity and eco-design.

The last day was devoted to a field trip to investigate the green practices implemented in a school, which is an Ambassador of Eco-Schools in Latvia. The participants gained new insights into how to organise work and manage an education institution in a more eco-friendly way. In addition, 2 inspiring stories by the Czech National Agency for International Education and Research and National Agency Education for Europe at the Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training on good practices of Erasmus+ Green Projects.

The overall results of the feedback survey show that the participants were mostly highly satisfied with the event both regarding the content and overall organization of the seminar. Speakers’ presentations were evaluated as mostly highly relevant and in some cases exceeded the expectations of the participants. Only in a few cases the expectations of the participants were not met. The participants noted that a good balance between theoretical insights, practical input, networking and social activities was achieved. The overall organisation of the event was rated as excellent.


Types of outcomes

seminar material, presentations, tools improved knowledge on certain topics networking improved skills, competences

Explain your choice(s)

The overall results of the feedback survey show that the participants were mostly highly satisfied with the event both regarding the content and overall organization of the seminar. Speakers’ presentations were evaluated as mostly highly relevant and in some cases exceeded the expectations of the participants. Only in a few cases the expectations of the participants were not met. The participants noted that a good balance between theoretical insights, practical input, networking and social activities was achieved. The overall organisation of the event was rated as excellent.

Environment and fight against climate change (2021-27)
Type of presence:
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Key Action:
Not applicable
TCA documents:
E+ Academy:
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