Going green in Erasmus+: Project development and mobilities in the field of ecologic sustainability in adult education
Summary of TCA outcomes
This contact seminar for the AE sector with focus on the priority of greening and sustainability was organized to provide participants with a space to create networks and develop project ideas. The event started with lunch on the first day and ended with lunch on the third day (duration of 2 full days/3 nights). We had 35 participants from 13 countries.
The event was moderated by Clara Drammeh (Mixed Message Moderation).
Compact inputs were delivered by the NA DE02 on the framework of KA1 and KA2 projects, as some of the participants were total newcomers in Erasmus+.
Also, a best practice project was presented to give the participants an idea about what possibilities E+ projects offer. (see attaced PPT)
The rest of the seminar was conducted in various formats of interactive group work (world café, elelvator pitch, gallery walk, mix & match - see attached document on methodology for details).
As a result, 6 KA2 project ideas have been developed (6 groups) and 7-8 ideas of KA projects which could complement the KA2 project ideas.
Results of TCA evaluation: 29 participants filled out the feedback survey. Of those, 18 participants rated the TCA as very good in general, 3 as good, and 8 did not answer the question. Rating of other aspects of the event (venue, programme, moderation etc.) was also very positive. Asked about what participants where missing, some indicated that they would have liked some sightseeing in Hamburg or more free time to explore the city.
Types of outcomes
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Sustainability is the priority on which NA DE02 puts a special focus. Since we coordinate the LTA Sustainability, we want to contribute to the topic with contact seminars for both sectors that we are responsible for (VET and AE) to support beneficiaries in creating networks and developing project ideas.