Sustainability in Erasmus+: Towards the green transition
Summary of TCA outcomes
On 2 and 3 December 2021, the TCA event "Sustainability in Erasmus+: Towards the green transition", organized by the National Agency at BIBB in collaboration with other European National Agencies, took place online. This TCA also served as a kick-off for the LTA "Green Erasmus and Sustainability" which will be carried out from 2022 to 2024.
In total, 113 people attended the TCA (including NA staff and speakers).
The TCA focused on various aspects and topics that are very important for sustainability and greening in the education sector.
In a first keynote, Dr. Antje Brock from Institut Futur (FU Berlin) presented new insights on ideas and possibilities on how to put the theoretical foundations of sustainable education into practice. This was followed by a lively discussion on the emotional aspect and the importance of push and pull factors in ESD (Education for Sustainable Development).
In compact contributions, Marta Munoz from the EU Commission reported on the European framework for Green Erasmus and Bernard Combes, representative of UNESCO, on the concept of Education for Sustainable Development. By presenting eight Erasmus projects as best practice examples, it was vividly shown how Erasmus+ projects have already put the idea of a greener and more sustainable world into practice.
Participants also discussed the contradictions and trade-offs between the emissions caused by mobilities in the Erasmus programme and the idea of a green E+ programme, as well as possible solutions.
Dr. Anthony Leiserowitz, Director of the Yale Program on Climate Change Communication, gave the second keynote address, which highlighted the importance of focusing on climate change in the eyes of the global society as a whole in order to advance climate action.
In smaller groups, participants continued to discuss their own experiences with sustainable projects, the importance of sustainability and the challenges they have encountered in this context. There was also lively discussion about the political and social dimension of sustainability and climate change.
Types of outcomes
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Sustainability is the priority on which NA DE02 puts a special focus. As a kick-off regarding the coordination of the LTA Sustainability, we organized this cross-sectoral online TCA with the aim to spread knowledge on certain aspects of sustainabilty/education for sustainable development, disseminate good practices and give participants the opportunity to create or expand their networks.