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Thematic training on the Green priority for facilitators and events organisers

Main Info

Environment and fight against climate change (2021-27)
Type of presence:
Venue country:
Venue city:
Working language:
Key Action:
Not applicable
TCA documents:
E+ Academy:
Start date:
End date:
disseminationsustainabilitycapacity building in impact and disseminationnetworkingstrategic partnershipteachinginteractiveproject managementraising awareness

TCA Description

Themes and goals:

Hybrid TCA (3 phases, 2 online and 1 face-to-face) organized and run by the GREEN SALTO team, with the support of the French GCPs, and co-organized with FR01 NA.

More and more NAs are planning training events for their staff or beneficiaries. This highlights the need for attractive learning material on the green priority, and for sustainable event guidelines. SALTO Green supports this effort by offering a training session aimed at facilitators and event organizers. 

Specifically, the TCA will train facilitators on the Climate Fresk: a workshop using collaborative intelligence to teach the mechanisms of climate change. Already translated in all European languages, the workshop has already been implemented in several NAs. Having certified facilitators on staff will help NAs to organize more workshops, in a more practical and cost-effective way.  

Participants will also be trained on a brand-new workshop created by SALTO Green. This interactive card game helps beneficiaries learn about sustainability resources and how to use them to green their projects.  

To complete this training, participants will learn about green event planning and online facilitation, providing them with efficient tools that they can immediately put to use on their next events.  

These activities will serve as good practices for the attending beneficiaries and ecosystem actors. This will create a snowball effect that will lead to a community of practices and sustainable changes in the facilitation culture in the Programmes. 

The TCA will happen in three phases (hybrid format):  

  1. The 1st one is half a day online, mid-August, to meet all participants and experience a Climate Fresk online and do preparation work.  

  2. The 2nd phase, face-to-face in Lille in September, will be two days of workshop facilitation and green event trainings.  

  3. The 3rd phase in October 2025 will be a follow-up online session, where participants will meet for a few hours and share experiences and get more tips and answers.  

Selected participants are required to attend all 3 phases of the TCA. No partial participation will be accepted. 

Expected results:

Participants will gain knowledge about the green priority in the Programmes and about the ecological impact of events, strategies to lower it and good practices. Specifically, they will become facilitators for the Climate Fresk and for a new Green Resources mapping game developed by SALTO Green.  

They will also experience a sustainably implemented activities as participants, both online and in-person, to gather inspiration and good practices. 

After participating in this TCA, facilitators will become role models in Europe, showcasing how to organize and facilitate green inclusive events, both for the NA and for beneficiaries.  

Additional information:

Hybrid TCA (3 phases, 2 online and 1 face-to-face) organized and run by the GREEN SALTO team, with the support of the French GCPs, and co-organized with FR01 NA.

The face to face meeting will take place in Lille (September). 

We encourage participants to limit plane use as much as possible : be sustainable as possible! 

There are 2 train stations in the city: Lille Flandres and Lille Europe, and they are at walking distance from each other (about 400 m). Lille is about 50 minutes from Roissy Charles-de-Gaulle airport and train station / 1 hour from Paris / 3 hours from Lyon / 38 minutes from Brussels / 2 hours 40 minutes from Amsterdam / 3 hours 50 from Frankfurt. 

Lille Lesquin airport is 10 km from the city center. 

There is one direct shuttle between Lille Flandres station and the airport. 

For initial logistical information, please refer to the attached “practical information” document. 

All information about the hotel will be published as soon as possible.

Partners and participants

Organiser NA:
FR01 - Agence Erasmus+ France / Education Formation
Number of participants:
Target group:
Trainers Experts Other support staff
Erasmus+ Programme experience level:
Newcomers and Experienced beneficiaries
Profile of participants:

Hybrid TCA (3 phases, 2 online and 1 face-to-face) organized and run by the GREEN SALTO team, with the support of the French GCPs, and co-organized with FR01 NA.

ATTENTION! Please disregard the "Erasmus+ Programme experience level" field filled in with "newcomers and experienced beneficiaries". This option was selected by default as no other choice was available, and the field had to be completed. 

Targeted and expected audience : 

  • Facilitators with a history of working closely and regularly with their EU NA, having facilitated all or a selection of internal training, beneficiaries events and TCAs. 
  • NA staff responsible for organizing internal trainings and/or events for beneficiaries.

Total number of participants expected (including FR, EU NA staff, FR & EU external participants): 30.  Ideally, 10-15 different EU Erasmus+ agencies would be welcome (2-3 participants per EU NA, EU NA staff included).


Pending booked places

Accepted places

Sending partner(s):
AT01 - 5 BE02 - 1 DE01 - 3 DE02 - 7 DE03 - 3 DK01 - 4 EE01 - 4 ES01 - 5 FI01 - 1 IS01 - 2 LT01 - 1 LV01 - 4 PL01 - 4 RO01 - 3 PT01 - 3 TR01 - 3
Pending booked places:
Accepted places:

TCA Participant Application

Start date of TCA Participant Application:
Application deadline:
Confirmation deadline for Sending NAs:
Confirmation deadline for Organiser NAs: