"Green Accreditation": Greening your Erasmus plan
Summary of TCA outcomes
The participants were given time both at the end of day 3 and on the morning of day 4 to think through and also present their green strategy for the accreditation and the Erasmus+ plan. The results were exhibited as posters not only with words but also with drawings, pictures and – in a few cases – with outdoor items. The participants were eventually divided into three groups where one group at a time presented their strategy and their thoughts (and aspirations for cooperation!) to the other two groups as a kind of “vernissage”, project viewing.
We asked the participants in the evaluation what they will bring home after the conference to share with colleagues and management. Some of the answers were:
- Implement a Climate Fresk workshop
- New aspects on green travel, more green travel
- Useful contacts, extended network
- Start small, grow bigger
- Scientific knowledge
- Bringing hope to the students and the colleagues
- An elaborated green strategy for the project
Types of outcomes
Explain your choice(s)