Strengthening Capacities of Learners with Disabilities and Learning Difficulties through Career Guidance Services
Summary of TCA outcomes
The first TCA event focused on students with disabilities and learning difficulties, a group that is often marginalized and at high risk of dropping out. This group of students emerged as a joint priority of the partnering NAs, focusing on the need to support the competence development of career practitioners in the education sector who work with them.
Through a keynote presentation and practical workshops, participants had the opportunity to share their experiences and explore examples of best practices in providing CGC support to students from vulnerable groups. Furthermore, participants from 10 different European countries with diverse educational systems and available resources had the opportunity to connect, exchange experiences and share information with colleagues from other countries, and develop ideas for future projects on social inclusion through career guidance services.
Types of outcomes
Explain your choice(s)
This document provides an overview of the sessions, including key points and highlights that can be useful for career practitioners seeking to improve their practice of working with students with disabilities and learning difficulties.