Creative use of learning applications in school education
Summary of TCA outcomes
The TCA was a thematic seminar focusing on the creative use of learning
applications in school education.
The activity provided an open forum for participants to discuss the use
of learning applications that can support teaching of science subjects as well
as of languages. The face-to-face event included two online presentations – a
presentation of the ‘Flip’ application and a presentation of the historical
resistance strategy game ‘Through the Darkest of Times’.
We had 28 participants from 12 countries.
Seminar participants
- acquired the know-how to use new learning applications to enhance pupils’ digital skills in a creative way
- learned how to use the TwinSpace, start a project and find partners on the eTwinning platform
- learned from best practice projects (1. Digitalisation: Promoting the use of e-learning tools and learning critical handling of social media; 2. the use of an iPad in class)
- were introduced to the use of applications to evaluate students via quiz applications (Quizlet, Kahoot, Memrise, Socrative) or via interactive video lessons (edpuzzle, Thinglink, BookWidgets, Flip)
- were introduced to the strategy game ‘Through the Darkest of Times’ and actively played the role of a resistance group in Berlin during the Nazi regime
- gained knowledge about media literacy education (in Luxembourg and in general) and media competences
- were connected to teachers in other programme countries with similar interests who could be partners in future projects.
After the seminar, we asked our participants to evaluate the TCA. In
general, the participants were very satisfied with the event and thought it was
helpful and relevant for their job. The results of the survey clearly showed that
the participants were very satisfied with the performance of the speakers and
the content provided. In addition, the participants stated that it was easy to
find project partners, but that they would have needed more time.
Types of outcomes
Explain your choice(s)
With the sanitary crisis, digital learning tools have become an
essential part of teachers’ daily lessons, enabling students to continue
learning. Although digital technology is not a new concept in education, it has
not been as successful as it is today. This is partly due to teachers’ lack of
knowledge about the possibilities offered by digital technologies: using
digital technologies, the teaching approaches have to be adapted.
In this respect, the aim of this seminar was to introduce teachers to learning applications that can be used in the classroom to improve pupils’ digital skills in a creative way.