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Thematic seminar: Education for sustainable development

Summary of TCA outcomes

The TCA was a thematic seminar focusing on education for sustainable development.

The face-to-face event included Erasmus+ project examples from both KA1 and KA2: Presentations on how to work with sustainability and related themes with all ages from kindergarten, pre- and secondary school (3-17 years) as well as a presentation from a key note speaker from the University of Southern Denmark about a research program on Education for sustainable development (ESD). Furthermore, the event provided an open forum for participants to discuss sustainability in a school setting.

We had 45 participants from 19 countries.

Seminar participants

  • gained knowledge about how to integrate themes such as sustainability, climate change and the green transition in pedagogical and teaching activities
  • got inspiration and were presented to specific methods to bring sustainability in to the classroom and approaches to involve and engage the kids/pupils in the process.
  • were introduced to a variety of best practice projects:
  • were connected to teachers in other program countries with similar interests who could be partners in future projects

After the seminar, we asked our participants to evaluate the TCA. In general, the participants were very satisfied with the event and thought it was helpful and relevant for their job. The results of the evaluation clearly showed that the participants were satisfied with the performance of the speakers and the content provided as well as the more informal part of the program where the participants were able to network and find possible project partners.  

Types of outcomes

seminar material, presentations, tools improved knowledge on certain topics networking E+ project idea

Explain your choice(s)

Erasmus+ has chosen environment and fight against climate change as one of the important priorities in the programme. Environment and climate action are key priorities for the EU now and in the future. The aim is that sustainability should become part of the entire spectrum of education and training, including curricula and professional development for educators. 

In this respect, the aim of this seminar was to inspire teachers on how to integrate themes such as sustainability, climate change and the green transition in pedagogical and teaching activities.

Environment and fight against climate change (2021-27)
Type of presence:
Venue country:
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Working language:
Key Action:
Not applicable
TCA documents:
E+ Academy:
Start date:
End date: