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Pole Position for Green Skills: Your Erasmus+ pit stop in Spielberg

Main Info

Environment and fight against climate change (2021-27)
Type of presence:
Venue country:
Venue city:
Working language:
Key Action:
TCA documents:
E+ Academy:
Start date:
End date:

TCA Description

Themes and goals:

This contact seminar brings together Erasmus+ VET project coordinators to foster networks and develop future mobility projects for learners and staff, with a special focus on apprenticeship training and work-based learning. The key theme is Green Skills - the sustainable competencies that are becoming increasingly vital in VET.

As key drivers of the transition to a sustainable economy, Green Skills align with EU priorities such as the European Green Deal and the EU Skills Agenda, as well as global objectives like the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). In Vocational Education and Training, these skills are essential for equipping professionals and young people with the expertise needed to meet the evolving demands of the labor market, enabling businesses and industries to adapt to and actively support the EU’s sustainability goals.

Against the dynamic backdrop of the Red Bull Ring, where innovation meets sustainability, this seminar will provide expert insights, showcase best practices, and foster interactive discussions. Together, we will explore how Erasmus+ can drive the development of Green Skills, enhance environmental awareness, and strengthen the role of international mobility in promoting sustainable skills.

Expected results:
  • Strengthen networks and partnerships for future Erasmus+ VET mobility projects.
  • Enhance understanding of Green Skills in the sustainable transformation of VET.
  • Share best practices on integrating sustainability into apprenticeship training and work-based learning.
  • Promote international mobility as a key driver of sustainability in VET through Erasmus+ projects.
Additional information:

The seminar will take place primarily  in Spielberg, at the Red Bull Ring, with participants staying at Schloss Gabelhofen for three nights, from April 27 to April 30. Accommodation costs for 3 nights are fully covered by the Austrian National Agency.

For travel, participants can arrive via Graz Airport (GRZ), which is approximately 85 km from Spielberg, or Vienna International Airport (VIE), located 200 km away. From both cities, train connections are available to Knittelfeld, the nearest railway station.

All meals, leisure activities, and local transfers within the seminar programme are included. Travel costs will be reimbursed by the respective sending National Agency.

Partners and participants

Organiser NA:
AT01 - OeAD nationale Agentur für Erasmus+
Number of participants:
Participants per country:
4 - Any
Target group:
School leaders, directors Teachers Trainers
Erasmus+ Programme experience level:
Newcomers and Experienced beneficiaries
Profile of participants:

This seminar is aimed at Erasmus+ coordinators, trainers and educators, project managers, and institutional representatives in vocational education and training (VET) who are:

  • Interested in Green Skills and sustainability in VET.
  • Looking to develop new mobility projects within Erasmus+.
  • Seeking to exchange best practices and expand their international network.

Pending booked places

Accepted places

Sending partner(s):
AT01 - 10 CZ01 - 2 DE02 - 3 DK01 - 2 EL01 - 2 ES01 - 3 FI01 - 2 HU01 - 3 IE01 - 2 LV01 - 3 MT01 - 2 NL01 - 2 NO01 - 3 PL01 - 2 BE03 - 2 PT01 - 3 SE01 - 2 IT01 - 3
Pending booked places:
Accepted places:

TCA Participant Application

Start date of TCA Participant Application:
Application deadline:
Confirmation deadline for Sending NAs:
Confirmation deadline for Organiser NAs: